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ed2k wackiness

PostPosted: 31 May 2010 23:48
by grey-hame
If I do a urn:ed2khash:whatever search in Shareaza I get a result named

Your client is too old. Please upgrade to last version !

with a size of 942.22 MB(!), a rating of Fake/Corrupt, and roughly 1000 sources including whichever ed2k hub I'm connected to.

Is this just some wankers sharing a file with this name? If so, why is it showing up on hash searches that it doesn't match? (It showed up on two distinct hash searches and logically it cannot match both.) If it is really an alert that there's a newer version, though, then it's in error, since there is no more recent release (rather than beta) version of Shareaza at this time.

The sources report themselves to be eDonkey2000 itself (not eMule, Shareaza, or any other ed2k client species). The file hash appears to be ed2khash:04730f001faa56662222222222222222 which is not identical to either of the hash searches I've performed that have returned it as a hit.

Advice: ignore? Upgrade something? (If so, what?)

Re: ed2k wackiness

PostPosted: 01 Jun 2010 13:48
by ailurophobe
Alerts like these actually refer to versions of the protocol and mean that newer eMule versions have features that the server thinks are important that you don't support. It is possible you just have the feature disabled, though.

Re: ed2k wackiness

PostPosted: 02 Jun 2010 04:18
by grey-hame
Features like what? Ones that eMule has and Shareaza does not?

Re: ed2k wackiness

PostPosted: 02 Jun 2010 09:42
by old_death

Re: ed2k wackiness

PostPosted: 02 Jun 2010 19:06
by ailurophobe
But the warnings usually are due to server protocol features, not the user visible features listed in the Wikipedia article. It is a very clear possibility that you just have the feature the server expects turned off, actually. I think "large file support" at FALSE used to cause this?