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About regular expressions

PostPosted: 01 Jun 2010 05:19
by eddyreen
I am using regular expressions to block spam hits.
This works really great but i do have some problems.

Some spammers will take your search term/s &Capitalize the first letter,
as i am using <_> for exact match they will get through .
Is there any way of making it case insensitive ?

Some spammers will take your search term/s &change their order like <3> <1> <2> or <2> <3> <1> <5> <4>
as i am using <_> for exact match they will get through .
Is there any way of making it order insensitive ?

I've read the wiki &some links there without succes .
Is it possible :roll:

I also had an idea:
What if Shareaza would add an extra random searchterm automattically like 'NoSpamPlease'
&then filter out any results with 'NoSpamPlease'
Could it work 8-)

Re: About regular expressions

PostPosted: 01 Jun 2010 10:34
by eddyreen
Forget about my idea 'NoSpamPlease' doesn't work :lol:
It would work if Shareaza did a 'match any'
Unfortunately it does a 'match all'
Damn :|

Re: About regular expressions

PostPosted: 02 Jun 2010 00:36
by cyko_01
shareaza regexps are already case insensitive by design

Re: About regular expressions

PostPosted: 04 Jun 2010 13:14
by eddyreen
I think i figured it out :D

(( <1>)|( <2>)|( <3>)|( <4>)|( <5>)|( <6>)|( <7>)|( <8>)|( <9>)|())
(( <1>)|( <2>)|( <3>)|( <4>)|( <5>)|( <6>)|( <7>)|( <8>)|( <9>)|())
(( <1>)|( <2>)|( <3>)|( <4>)|( <5>)|( <6>)|( <7>)|( <8>)|( <9>)|())
(( <1>)|( <2>)|( <3>)|( <4>)|( <5>)|( <6>)|( <7>)|( <8>)|( <9>)|())
(( <1>)|( <2>)|( <3>)|( <4>)|( <5>)|( <6>)|( <7>)|( <8>)|( <9>)|())
(( <1>)|( <2>)|( <3>)|( <4>)|( <5>)|( <6>)|( <7>)|( <8>)|( <9>)|())
(( <1>)|( <2>)|( <3>)|( <4>)|( <5>)|( <6>)|( <7>)|( <8>)|( <9>)|())
(( <1>)|( <2>)|( <3>)|( <4>)|( <5>)|( <6>)|( <7>)|( <8>)|( <9>)|())

This will filter '<SearchtermsOrderInsensitive>.avi' regardless how many searchterms you've used (up to 9).
There is just one little hitch;
This rule also filters <1> <1> <1>
&ofcourse order insensitive should not allow multiple occurences of the same searchterm :|

Boaargh, good enough for me :mrgreen:

Re: About regular expressions

PostPosted: 04 Jun 2010 14:30
by eddyreen
One other question;
I am trying to block a result by it's HASH
this is how i do it;
First i select the BOGUS file for download,
Pause the download,
go to file properties,
copy the SHA1 value,
cancel the download,
goto security window,
add new filter;
content filter

it is not working :?: 0(0) hits :?:
The file is still in search results :roll:

Re: About regular expressions

PostPosted: 04 Jun 2010 22:27
by cyko_01

Re: About regular expressions

PostPosted: 05 Jun 2010 05:11
by eddyreen

Re: About regular expressions

PostPosted: 05 Jun 2010 08:32
by eddyreen
Aaargh Shareaza hanged while adding my security rule &if i start it again it hangs too CPU 100% for about 15mins,
Where can i delete/reset the security filter when i am unable to start Shareaza :|

Really, i'm getting frustrated :cry:

Re: About regular expressions

PostPosted: 05 Jun 2010 10:02
by eddyreen
Did a reinstall to a previous version

Aparantly it has to be like this :arrow:

(( )((<1>)|(<2>)|(<3>)|(<4>)|(<5>)|(<6>)|(<7>)|(<8>)|(<9>)))?
(( )((<1>)|(<2>)|(<3>)|(<4>)|(<5>)|(<6>)|(<7>)|(<8>)|(<9>)))?
(( )((<1>)|(<2>)|(<3>)|(<4>)|(<5>)|(<6>)|(<7>)|(<8>)|(<9>)))?
(( )((<1>)|(<2>)|(<3>)|(<4>)|(<5>)|(<6>)|(<7>)|(<8>)|(<9>)))?
(( )((<1>)|(<2>)|(<3>)|(<4>)|(<5>)|(<6>)|(<7>)|(<8>)|(<9>)))?
(( )((<1>)|(<2>)|(<3>)|(<4>)|(<5>)|(<6>)|(<7>)|(<8>)|(<9>)))?
(( )((<1>)|(<2>)|(<3>)|(<4>)|(<5>)|(<6>)|(<7>)|(<8>)|(<9>)))?
(( )((<1>)|(<2>)|(<3>)|(<4>)|(<5>)|(<6>)|(<7>)|(<8>)|(<9>)))?

Hey CYKO did you know that if you enter wrong regexps you can actiually HANG Shareaza :idea:
(( )((<1>)|(<2>)|(<3>)|(<4>)|(<5>)|(<6>)|(<7>)|(<8>)|(<9>))?

Re: About regular expressions

PostPosted: 05 Jun 2010 12:25
by eddyreen
OK then, this is my last attempt. I've been trying very hard for several hours ! :arrow:

(( )((<1>)|(<2>)|(<3>)|(<4>)|(<5>)|(<6>)|(<7>)|(<8>)|(<9>)))?
(( )((<1>)|(<2>)|(<3>)|(<4>)|(<5>)|(<6>)|(<7>)|(<8>)|(<9>)))?
(( )((<1>)|(<2>)|(<3>)|(<4>)|(<5>)|(<6>)|(<7>)|(<8>)|(<9>)))?
(( )((<1>)|(<2>)|(<3>)|(<4>)|(<5>)|(<6>)|(<7>)|(<8>)|(<9>)))?
(( )((<1>)|(<2>)|(<3>)|(<4>)|(<5>)|(<6>)|(<7>)|(<8>)|(<9>)))?
(( )((<1>)|(<2>)|(<3>)|(<4>)|(<5>)|(<6>)|(<7>)|(<8>)|(<9>)))?
(( )((<1>)|(<2>)|(<3>)|(<4>)|(<5>)|(<6>)|(<7>)|(<8>)|(<9>)))?

This will filter order insensitive :)
One hitch;
<1> <1> <1> will also match so not really order insensitive !

Why i have to use (.*) at the end is a mystery to me, but it won't work without it .

You may wonder why i am making things so complex well,
I want to catch as many bogus results as possible &avoid catching a valid result at all costs :ugeek:

Re: About regular expressions

PostPosted: 05 Jun 2010 14:30
by cyko_01

Re: About regular expressions

PostPosted: 05 Jun 2010 14:53
by cyko_01

Re: About regular expressions

PostPosted: 05 Jun 2010 17:33
by eddyreen
This is what i have now :arrow:


The first line makes sure the result begins with at least 1 SearchTerm right after the HitTerm.
The second line matches all other SearchTerms.
The third line matches 0 or the last SearchTerm, (it has to stay there because i could not get rid of (.*), Shareaza bug :?: )

Thanks, REALLY ;)

Here's where i studied your suggestions (very useful guide);

Re: About regular expressions

PostPosted: 06 Jun 2010 13:48
by eddyreen
Some Spammers think they are really smart by placing a space at the end after the FileExtension :D

This one will catch those 'smart' f*@s aswell :arrow:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: About regular expressions

PostPosted: 08 Jun 2010 11:09
by eddyreen
Inserting all these rules is a lot of work &I am veeery laaazy !

I was thinking about writing an AutoIT script;

-Abort when maximum limit of rules has been reached .
-Look for a file that definetly does not exists .
-Insert a new security rule if it hits that will time out after XXX .

It would be even better if I wrote a plugin, but unfortunately I lak the skills.

I really wonder why noone else has had this idea before .

Does something similar already exist :?:

Re: About regular expressions

PostPosted: 08 Jun 2010 13:08
by cyko_01

Re: About regular expressions

PostPosted: 08 Jun 2010 13:48
by eddyreen