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Problems Downloading.. :/

PostPosted: 19 Jun 2010 13:41
by xph03n1xx
Hey guys... i think iv been using Shareaza for about 6 years now... and iv never really had a problem, that is until now.
for about the past couple of months iv had a few problems with downloads... i just end up closing it and getting on with things... i can search fine, find plenty of files, but once iv picked one... sources wont connect properly... they say requesting, and then go back to pending, no matter how many times i try to force them.

Not really sure what to do, hope someone has some advice for me.
Thanks in advance :/

Oh and im using Windows Vista, Trend Security and the latest version of Shareaza. Ports are Open.

Re: Problems Downloading.. :/

PostPosted: 19 Jun 2010 18:35
by old_death
If you say, ports are open, does this mean you pass the connection test (available in the "Help" menu)?

Re: Problems Downloading.. :/

PostPosted: 22 Jun 2010 02:38
by kymatlo
I'm having similar symptoms. Maybe 1 in 5 files downloads quickly and easily, the rest keep jumping back to "pending" even while showing 20-30 sources available.

I ran the connection test in the help menu and it passes.

Re: Problems Downloading.. :/

PostPosted: 22 Jun 2010 20:50
by old_death
Are you sure you haven't been tricked into downloading fake files? Because in that case, it's normal that the downloads won't start. (Usually, you can tell by the file size whether it's realistic that the file contains what you intended to download.)

Re: Problems Downloading.. :/

PostPosted: 25 Jun 2010 02:20
by kymatlo
Nope. A lot of the files will play, they are just only partially downloaded (some 20%, some 90%) after days or weeks of sitting on my transfer list. Some do eventually complete, some don't. Just trying to figure out why a file that says 32 sources is sitting on pending for hours or even days at a time.

Re: Problems Downloading.. :/

PostPosted: 25 Jun 2010 17:00
by old_death