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EDonkey upload speed.

PostPosted: 25 Jun 2010 16:37
by hjensen2

I have gone from 56K modem via 2048/512 Kbit/s to now with light speed 15/15 Mbit/s (the lowest/cheapest on the fiber, measured 25-30 MBit/s up and down) within the last year.
So now I have bandwidth enough for some time.

And I am just wondering. Each EDonkey connection only get max. 11KByte/s in upload. And it make no difference if I set max EDonkey connections to 2 or 60 in the queue. Of cause the total used bandwidth is more for larger amounts of clients connected.
I use the default queue setting and have set the max upload speed and limit to 3MByte/s in total.
I have tried to download from other emule clients, and there the speed was >300KByte/s.

I just wonder if it is a build in, or if I can change it via some advanced setting.

Torrent and HTTP (G1/G2) uploads is for some connections >100KByte/s, seems to be mostly dependant on the other end.

A GREAT project.


Re: EDonkey upload speed.

PostPosted: 25 Jun 2010 16:58
by old_death
You mean the eD2k upload? No, it shouldn't have build-in limitations. Everything should be controllable via the upload queues... Have you tried out whether what you said about the upload speeds changes after Shareaza runs more than 1 hour or so? Often, large upload speeds only stabilize after a bigger amount of time.

Re: EDonkey upload speed.

PostPosted: 25 Jun 2010 17:50
by hjensen2
Yes it should be the eD2k upload all right.

It is max 11 KBits/s from the beginning until about 3 days. So it starts as max 11 and end as max 11.
(Running on M$ Windows require some reboots from time to time.)

Off topic : I also noticed while downloading a 21 GB movie ( Yes, that is only the middle size, the full HD is 246 GB ) that the ram physical usage raised to 11 Gbyte.
When I stopped and started Shareaza it dropped to the normal 2.3 GB and started to raise again. The Shareaza itself is < 1 GB actualy 800-900 MB, so it may be the file cache.
(Link to that movie : A travel through Norway in 7.5 hours by train)


Re: EDonkey upload speed.

PostPosted: 26 Jun 2010 17:25
by old_death
I think you should report both issues (the upload one and the RAM one) on the bug tracker...

As for the film link you gave, I suppose it is not illegal to download that movie? As if it is so, you should edit your post, because this goes against our forum rules...

Re: EDonkey upload speed.

PostPosted: 27 Jun 2010 00:24
by cyko_01

Re: EDonkey upload speed.

PostPosted: 27 Jun 2010 01:31
by old_death

Re: EDonkey upload speed.

PostPosted: 28 Jun 2010 08:11
by ailurophobe
You could try changing one of the advanced settings for eDonkey and see if it changes anything. Specifically eDonkey.FrameSize. It defaults to 10 kBytes, add overhead and round up, and a hard limit of one frame per second gets you steady 11 kBytes... No idea why it would be throttled to one frame per second, but I didn't see any other suggestions. If it does help, be sure to mention it, would make finding the bug easier.

Re: EDonkey upload speed.

PostPosted: 28 Jun 2010 19:55
by hjensen2

Thanks, I raised the eDonkey.FrameSize from the default 10k to 100k. Immediate some of the eDonkey uploads went up to 160-200kByte/s.
Seems maybe some of the advanced settings could need some adjustment, if you come into the light-speed (fibernet) connections. An I just got the lowest/cheapest rate.

Another thingii I noticed is that the eDonkey core queue now exceed the bandwith set up in the queue for eDonkey core. It is set to 800KByte/s but goes up to 1000KByte/s.
Not a big issue, just noticed that the queue limit may be an average limit.

About the memory usage. I think, it is M$ Windows file/disk cashing which is raising the physical memory usage.
I am using the process explorer from M$ sysinternals to monitor my computer. (How do you live without it ;)

About the film. It is made of the Norwegian television and is legal to download and see at home, I do not have the need to look into broadcast or theatrical presentation .
You are even allowed to edit it and publish that as described on their web-page and in the CC-license.
They are using Torrent, they even have a page explaining Torrent for granny ;)
So that should be all right. ( You have to know your legal stuff, when you are using P2P technology, I think. )


Re: EDonkey upload speed.

PostPosted: 29 Jun 2010 03:32
by ailurophobe
Thanks for posting!

IIRC recent Windows versions only release cached file data if the memory is actually needed for something or the data becomes invalid. Unused RAM -> wasted RAM. This works because the memory manager and the cache manager are actually connected and the memory manager can get the memory if it needs it. (So those programs that promise to make your PC faster by releasing more RAM from cache don't really work in Win 2k or later.)