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"Find more sources" wearing off?

PostPosted: 16 Aug 2010 19:38
by grey-hame
I have a download that's 92.09% complete and shows 1 source. It's been sitting there for over a week now not making further progress. So presumably that one source is partial and doesn't have the last 7.91% of the file. Obviously if I'm to get it I need to find another source.

Problem is, for some reason this one won't stay Searching. It reverts to Pending after an hour or two. Manually doing a "find more sources" on it works ... temporarily. Then it reverts again. This doesn't happen for other incomplete downloads with some known sources; just this one and a handful that have over a dozen sources each (all apparently partial, since these too are generally at 90-something percent done and haven't budged in days or even weeks).

IMO, "Searching" shouldn't revert unless one of three things happens: the user does something to stop it (e.g. cancels the download), a novel source is found, or download progress (at least 0.01%) is made -- that is, there is more of the file downloaded than there had been and the percentage-complete indicator shows a strictly larger number than before. Further, "Searching" should be automatic if, say, 7 days pass without at least 0.01% being added to the file's completion status as that long a period without any fresh downloadage worthy of note surely indicates a need for better sources than the currently-known ones.

Re: "Find more sources" wearing off?

PostPosted: 17 Aug 2010 01:58
by brov
Shareaza periodically searches for new sources, and yes, it does it automatically ;). Searching entire* networks is pretty fast so there's no point to constantly query the networks and most likely causing a huge overload on them (think what if every node will do this...).

* to my knowledge searching G2 takes around 10 minutes, ed2k less, G1 uses query flooding mechanism so I can't say anything for sure

Re: "Find more sources" wearing off?

PostPosted: 19 Aug 2010 14:49
by loopyloo
Searching manually for the file using it's SHA1 hash or ED2K hash can be more effective than the auto search feature.Or it seems so with this version of shareaza. Not that that answers your question. But it's a trick to find more sources.