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"Find more sources" menu item glitch
03 Sep 2010 15:28
by grey-hame
If I select, say, ten items that have been "pending (1 source)" for ages without progress and right click "find more sources", often only the first three of the ten items react appropriately and the others remain "pending". Sometimes when this happens the remaining items can be dealt with three at a time; other times the menu item quits working entirely for hours. What's up with that?
Re: "Find more sources" menu item glitch
03 Sep 2010 22:54
by cyko_01
I'm not sure whether this is a bug or a feature.
Re: "Find more sources" menu item glitch
04 Sep 2010 02:37
by ailurophobe
For network performance reasons all networks have various query throttles that limit the speed Shareaza can send queries out. If you do several "find more sources" in sequence you will run out of servers/hubs you haven't already queried too recently. So "finding more sources" for several downloads at the same time just won't work well, period. No idea on the menu behaviour, though.
Re: "Find more sources" menu item glitch
05 Sep 2010 10:12
by siavoshkc
While Shareaza always searches for more sources why such a command should exist?
Re: "Find more sources" menu item glitch
05 Sep 2010 17:25
by old_death