Cannot connect to G2 network

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Cannot connect to G2 network

Postby silmenume » 07 Sep 2010 23:39

I am running on XP PRO SP3. I have port forwarding enabled and have attempted the various fixes in the FAQ to set up a connection to the G2 network to no avail.
I have tried shutting down and restarting both Shareaza and my machine.
From the G2ConnectionGuide -

I have used the Discovery Services screen and have tried "querying" many servers.
I have tried clearing the list, but ran into problems in that I could not get the list to clear (less the Server.met) completely.
I went to the page with the list of current Discovery Services ( and clicked on Add All GWebCaches.

I should note that Shareaza appears to be making attempts to connect to G2.

Please advise.

Thank you.
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Re: Cannot connect to G2 network

Postby siavoshkc » 08 Sep 2010 06:31

In network window you see its trying to connect to hubs. Right?

It shows "Connecting" for them after that it will show "Handshaking". Does any of them enter handshaking?

Increase connection time out in settings.
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Re: Cannot connect to G2 network

Postby silmenume » 08 Sep 2010 07:29


In the Network Window I do see Shareaza attempting to connect to Hubs.

I should note that outside the eDonkey and G1 Hubs the rest of the IP addresses listed are shown as "connecting" and are all gray. Occasionally some of these gray colored "Connecting" attempts changes status to "Handshaking," but never get past this stage.

Even more rarely I do sometimes see the blue of the G2 "Connecting" attempt, but it literally lasts for less than a second. The blue G2 attempt comes and goes so quickly that I cannot read the status (Connecting/Handshaking) in the Time column. IOW I don't know what is being reported when the blue G2 shows up.

As far as the connection time setting it was set to 45 seconds and I have since increased it to 180 seconds. After 10 minutes I still haven't connect to a G2 Hub.
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Re: Cannot connect to G2 network

Postby old_death » 08 Sep 2010 17:21

What does the connection test say for your computer config? (See Shareazas Help menu)
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Re: Cannot connect to G2 network

Postby silmenume » 08 Sep 2010 23:53

Shareaza Connection Test

TCP: The TCP connection has been accepted by your computer and the request has been answered. This means that other clients from the networks can properly connect to you.
UDP: No answer has been received from your client. This can have various reasons, like that your firewall or router isn't properly configured for Shareaza, or Shareaza is not running on this port, or not connecting to the networks.
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Re: Cannot connect to G2 network

Postby silmenume » 09 Sep 2010 02:53


After some thought, I went mucking around my modem/router and found a way to port forward UDP as well as TCP. After doing so I reran the Shareaza Connection test with the following results...

TCP: The TCP connection has been accepted by your computer and the request has been answered. This means that other clients from the networks can properly connect to you.
UDP: An answer has been received from your client! This means that Shareaza is able to receive UDP packets from the network.

Congratulations, everything seems to be fine and Shareaza should work properly.

I am, however, still not able to connect to G2.

Thank you for taking the time to address this issue.
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Re: Cannot connect to G2 network

Postby siavoshkc » 09 Sep 2010 04:56

I'm having the same problem.
Delete you host cache: Press F8 > select all G2 hubs > right click > remove them.

(DoS on G2?)

F9 replaced with F8
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Re: Cannot connect to G2 network

Postby old_death » 09 Sep 2010 15:50

Yes. Disconnect from Gnutella2 and follow sia's instructions, then restart Shareaza (make sure G2 is still disconnected), press [F9] and use the context menu and "query now" on some of the entries with the blue icon (until you find one that doesn't return 0 Hosts). Then reconnect to Gnutella2.
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Re: Cannot connect to G2 network

Postby silmenume » 09 Sep 2010 21:30


Thank you both, siavoshkc and old_death, as the combination of both your instruction sets did the trick. The shutting off of the G2 service before clearing the cache allowed me to completely clear the cache which I could not successfully accomplish before. Aslo making sure that G2 did not automatically start upon restarting Shareaza seemed to make the difference when querying as I got a connection on my first try.

Again, I deeply appreciate both of you giving me your time and effort.

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Re: Cannot connect to G2 network

Postby old_death » 09 Sep 2010 21:38

np ;)
Glad we could help!
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Re: Cannot connect to G2 network

Postby siavoshkc » 10 Sep 2010 16:35

Currently I have the same issue. Shareaza disconnect from G2 after a while and won't reconnect until I do the explained procedure. I think its fake clients or a DoS from China, Hong kong, Taiwan and Japan.

So I'm going to block them for now.
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Re: Cannot connect to G2 network

Postby old_death » 10 Sep 2010 16:52

No, you're mistaken. Your host cache gets filled with IPs of Foxy clients, which require an authentication before allowing you to connect to them. As Shareaza cannot identify itself as a legitimate Foxy client, it is not allowed to connect and so the connection attempt is dropped.

Last time I talked with WildCard, he told me it was a problem with the UDP code that forwards alternate Hub IPs (as these IPs cannot be verified) and he was redesigning a big part of that code. But I haven't heard from him for a while. This means that the problem should be solved by the next version of Shareaza if WildCard gets to finish his code until then.
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Re: Cannot connect to G2 network

Postby siavoshkc » 11 Sep 2010 08:11

Foxy was being blocked in User-Agent settings.

Studying the log showed that remote machines are introducing themselves as Shareaza

If Foxy is using G2 it should not drop connection to Shareaza. Else its non Standard G2 and should be blocked.

Can you please tell me more about what WildCard said?
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Re: Cannot connect to G2 network

Postby old_death » 11 Sep 2010 14:21

Foxy is a non-standard G2 client that only allows connections of those clients that are able to identify themselves as being other Foxy clients. However, if you block Foxy clients at the level of user agent, you need to start handshaking first before you can identify an IP as being a Foxy client. Therefore your Shareaza will stay connecting and cycling threw IPs forever, if there are enough Foxy IPs in the cache (as Shareaza drops the connection attempt once it recognizes the client as being Foxy, which is not much faster than if the other client would drop the connection because Shareaza cannot identify itself).

According to WildCard, the problem comes from the way Hub IPs are published over the network. Because both networks are basically G2, they're compatible enough to have some interconnections, e.g. older Foxy clients which didn't force the identification or similar things. So it can happen to your cache that it gets filled with Foxy Hub IPs...
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Re: Cannot connect to G2 network

Postby sieteloco » 02 Apr 2011 18:05

I know this is an old thread, but here goes...

I've been following all of the instructions on this thread. I have gone into the Discovery services and flushed and requeried the GWebCache entries. I have added all of the servers listed on the troubleshooting pages of the wiki. Every so often I will make a connection but then it disappears seconds later. I have even added hosts individually with CTRL-T on this page:

I am not sure what I can do to make this happen. Shareaza has been running all morning long and it is now early afternoon. Is there some reason why I should have trouble connecting to the Gnutella2 network? Edonkey and Gntella1 are running fine. The connection test shows that I have tcp and udp ports forwarded.

Any ideas? I'm at a loss as to what to do next.
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Re: Cannot connect to G2 network

Postby ailurophobe » 02 Apr 2011 20:13

Install the latest daily build?
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Re: Cannot connect to G2 network

Postby sieteloco » 03 Apr 2011 21:27

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