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How do i stop.........

PostPosted: 16 Sep 2010 13:49
by old-jud
Shareaza from automatically linking itself to downloads when i try to download of certain websites? This is causing me a few problems, earlier versions didn't have this feature? I'm using Shareaza version on Windows 7 Ultimate.

Any advice would be appreciated, and apologies if i have posted in the wrong section.

Thanks in advance. :)

Re: How do i stop.........

PostPosted: 16 Sep 2010 15:18
by zigozag
Hi old-jud,

This is the right section for your question.

To stop Shareaza from managing your web downloads click on the Tools pull-down menu and within this menu on Shareaza Settings. On the left pane of the window that will be displayed click on Web and there uncheck the "Use Shareaza for all my web downloads" option.

Another option would be to install Firefox, you'd get a much better browser than IE for the same price, free.

Re: How do i stop.........

PostPosted: 17 Sep 2010 18:09
by old-jud
Thank you very much for your prompt response zigozag, i've altered the setting and am about to put it to the test! :lol: