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Regexp broken, this time for real.
17 Sep 2010 00:08
by tharrison1
To beef up my security filters, I did a search for "foo bar" audio, so that every result would be guaranteed to be spam. What slipped through my existing filters was this:
foo bar [club mix].mp3
08 - foo bar.mp3
08 - foo bar.mp3
08 - foo bar.mp3
Now, the 08s I can't do anything about without false positives but I should be able to safely get rid of the first one with
.*( [club mix]\.mp3)$
Wrong. No apparent effect at all. Okay, maybe square brackets need escaping?
.*( \[club mix\]\.mp3)$
Still nothing.
What's up with that?
Re: Regexp broken, this time for real.
17 Sep 2010 03:40
by cyko_01
Re: Regexp broken, this time for real.
17 Sep 2010 07:51
by tharrison1
Neither change has any effect.
Re: Regexp broken, this time for real.
17 Sep 2010 12:54
by cyko_01
Re: Regexp broken, this time for real.
17 Sep 2010 16:38
by tharrison1
Security window, and reg exp is checked.
Re: Regexp broken, this time for real.
17 Sep 2010 18:43
by tharrison1
Here's another one that should work, but doesn't:
^(Crack for - ).*(\.zip)$
"Crack for - foo" doesn't get removed by this, but should.
Re: Regexp broken, this time for real.
20 Sep 2010 17:47
by old_death
I'm not sure whether a change to the security window content is directly applied to the content of the search window. You might want to try to use the search filter to test your regEX code and afterwards add it to your security window. Then, the results shouldn't show up anymore the next time you do that search.
Re: Regexp broken, this time for real.
20 Sep 2010 17:53
by tharrison1
It does apply immediately to searches that are open.
Re: Regexp broken, this time for real.
20 Sep 2010 22:17
by cyko_01
Re: Regexp broken, this time for real.
21 Sep 2010 10:32
by old_death
Is there a bug report for this?
Re: Regexp broken, this time for real.
21 Sep 2010 12:58
by cyko_01