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Making Shareaza not give up too soon.

PostPosted: 26 Sep 2010 11:27
by tharrison1

Re: Making Shareaza not give up too soon.

PostPosted: 26 Sep 2010 12:46
by sshanu
If Shareaza keeps dropping the same source chances are that source is sending a "404 File not found" to the request.
Check in the system window when this is happening as you re-ad the source & it gets dropped again.
That can be caused by that source removing the file from the library or unsharing it within the library.
It might be still showing in results from that source because it hasn't updated the shared list with the Hubs.
Once that happens that source should no longer be shown for that file when a new search is performed for the file, well I think that's sort of how it works anyway.
It could also be as you mentioned a firewall or uploading problem by that particular source.

Couple of things to try, search by SHA1 for the file, right click it in the downloads window > advanced > copy URI.
Open a new search window, paste the Sha1 in the search box & click search.

Changing some of the Advanced Settings may or may not help.
Downloads.MaxAllowedFailures - increase
Downloads.MinSources - change to 5
Downloads.NeverDrop - change to True
Downloads.StarveGiveUp - increase
Downloads.StarveTimeout - increase

Re: Making Shareaza not give up too soon.

PostPosted: 26 Sep 2010 22:14
by tharrison1

Re: Making Shareaza not give up too soon.

PostPosted: 26 Sep 2010 22:42
by old_death
You are mistaken on what some of these settings actually do. Have a look at our Wiki for detailed information on the topic.


Re: Making Shareaza not give up too soon.

PostPosted: 27 Sep 2010 03:26
by sshanu

Re: Making Shareaza not give up too soon.

PostPosted: 27 Sep 2010 07:23
by tharrison1
I'll try these changes. Thanks.

How come the last two posts, by olddeath and sshanu, appear out of sequence?

Re: Making Shareaza not give up too soon.

PostPosted: 27 Sep 2010 08:27
by sshanu

Re: Making Shareaza not give up too soon.

PostPosted: 27 Sep 2010 09:29
by tharrison1
That's the thing, olddeath's post appears to refer to a post of yours that appears after it.

Re: Making Shareaza not give up too soon.

PostPosted: 27 Sep 2010 09:48
by sshanu
Maybe he felt a tremor in the force that allowed a glimpse of the future :shock:

Re: Making Shareaza not give up too soon.

PostPosted: 27 Sep 2010 21:03
by old_death
No, I was referring to the thoughts/information about some of the advanced settings in this post. Although... I'm not quite sure but I felt a strange power around me when I typed these lines... who knows what mighty power influenced me that moment...

Re: Making Shareaza not give up too soon.

PostPosted: 28 Sep 2010 03:13
by tharrison1
That can't be right. That link is to one of my posts, and I certainly never said anything wrong! In fact all I did was note which ones sounded like they might be useful.

Re: Making Shareaza not give up too soon.

PostPosted: 28 Sep 2010 13:29
by old_death

Re: Making Shareaza not give up too soon.

PostPosted: 28 Sep 2010 22:33
by tharrison1

Re: Making Shareaza not give up too soon.

PostPosted: 29 Sep 2010 01:24
by old_death
No. It means that if a download falls below that number of Sources, Shareaza uses more aggressive techniques of searching for more sources than it would do if the file were above that limit.

Re: Making Shareaza not give up too soon.

PostPosted: 29 Sep 2010 02:02
by tharrison1
So a better name would be Downloads.AggressiveSearchMaxSources or AggressiveSearchThreshold or something? I don't see a point in messing with it then. The downloads I have problems with mostly only have one source, which is below 5.

Re: Making Shareaza not give up too soon.

PostPosted: 30 Sep 2010 19:38
by ailurophobe
One source is not less than the 1 this setting defaults to. So if you have even one source, no "aggressive" searching. I used to have this at 2, but now I just do a manual search every few days for stuck downloads. Same result, with presumably less network load. If Shareaza can't find more than one source, searching more often won't help that much.

Re: Making Shareaza not give up too soon.

PostPosted: 30 Sep 2010 22:44
by tharrison1
Earlier in the thread, someone said it was 5.

Re: Making Shareaza not give up too soon.

PostPosted: 02 Oct 2010 17:48
by ailurophobe
I think he said you should change it to 5, 1 is the default. Corresponding to "search if the file has no sources."