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Totally lost - questions

PostPosted: 24 Jul 2009 21:53
by faequeen
ETA: Never mind. I had downloaded this from another site and it wasn't the latest version. Somehow, I got a version that didn't do torrents at all. And I thought it was a reliable site, too! That'll teach me to go to the source, eh? I downloaded from here, and it works fine.

First off, I read the FAQ's and the program they are talking about bears no resemblance to the one I'm using. The tools they say are there are not.

Can you not download torrents in the basic version? I surely can't see how to do it. .torrent is not even listed as a file type, and all I can see if audio and video file types.

Re: Totally lost - questions

PostPosted: 11 Aug 2009 19:05
by ocexyz
First, always download Shareaza from SHAREAZA.SOURCEFORGE.NET period.

For use torrents please download from download page so called debug build, with highiest currently "r" number eg r8105. This, so debug version, works sagnificantly better with torrents, then official last release

To download torrent you need to go menu>tools>get file/torrent, the window "get file/torrent" will open, in low right corner is a button [open torrent] when you click it opens file selector wher you should choose torrent file you want to use. [get] it.

Or in download window there is "get file/torrent" button, in the middle of screen which works the same.