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How can I convert Shareaza partials to ED2Kpartials? And ...

PostPosted: 06 Jan 2011 11:08
by gungrrrl
I have both eMule and Shareaza running on my computer, side by side, trying to download the same files (by using the same ed2k link in both). I'm just thinking that two p2p-programs can do more than one.

So, my 2 questions are:

1. How can I convert Shareaza partials to ED2K-partials?
I mean, there must be some way, since converting ed2k partial to shareaza partials obviously works.
The reason I really ask is cos eMule does not import any partials, besides ed2k-partials, that whole import function don;t work.

2. How can I 'LAN' them together? I mean by this, setting it up that both applications will use each other as source?

Re: How can I convert Shareaza partials to ED2Kpartials? And ...

PostPosted: 06 Jan 2011 20:22
by blackflag100
They'll need to use separate ports via port forwarding. I'm not sure if either application will correctly recognize a source on its own IP but a different port as a potentially viable source and not just "itself". If not you'd need the two to be on separate computers with separate net-facing IPs.

Re: How can I convert Shareaza partials to ED2Kpartials? And ...

PostPosted: 14 Jan 2011 15:33
by acerswap
Using two programs won't speed up your downloads, you'll only get the same incomplete files twice. The preferred way to increase the number of "sources" is increasing it in the preferences.

If you want to "LAN" your PC, try assigning two private addresses to the same network interface card ( and, then create a ed2k link and specify the other IP as a source, you can try using in your link also. It may work, it may not.

Re: How can I convert Shareaza partials to ED2Kpartials? And ...

PostPosted: 15 Jan 2011 20:53
by old_death