AFAIK, IP and the new TR1 RegExp are the only functional Security filters.
Any MatchAny or MatchAll based filter is orphaned. Non-regexp filename, hash, size:ext:####, etc. are simply never tested, although iterated.
Specifically, CSecureRule::Match(const CShareazaFile* pFile) which handles them is only called from CSecurity::BanHelper and CSecurity::IsDenied( pFile ), which in turn are never used.
I haven't gone back to see where this breakage occured yet, but it seemed like a good time to also address performance problems etc. from various complaints.
Relatedly would be the filters themselves. For example, a lot of spam lately reports from bad/private blocks ( etc.) Would there be any unintended consequences simply blocking them all, outside LAN mod?
(Unrelatedly, would anyone object if I committed PeerProject profile schema recognition to GProfile XML parsing (3 lines)? Don't know if that appears as self-serving or pragmatic moving forward.)