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Why has development slowed?

PostPosted: 31 Aug 2011 22:19
by kboddie
Just noticed that the development of Shareaza has slowed dramatically. Is there a reason?

Re: Why has development slowed?

PostPosted: 01 Sep 2011 13:40
by brov
Vacation... lack of developers... many other things you can imagine :D

Re: Why has development slowed?

PostPosted: 04 Sep 2011 15:16
by kevogod
SourceForge is rejecting my SSH key for some reason right now so the build from 2011-09-02 has not been uploaded.

Re: Why has development slowed?

PostPosted: 05 Sep 2011 16:18
by biggestnoob
How about you code in "send feedback" feature within shareaza so its easier and faster to send feedback for beta builds?

Re: Why has development slowed?

PostPosted: 05 Sep 2011 22:36
by cyko_01

Re: Why has development slowed?

PostPosted: 09 Sep 2011 07:12
by old_death
How about sending them to a mailing list where anyone interested can read the messages sent...

Re: Why has development slowed?

PostPosted: 10 Sep 2011 18:13
by ailurophobe
Or you could just post your comment on the forum? It is not really useful to be more accessible and responsive unless you actually can make the responses useful... Getting more feedback is not that valuable if you already have more things on your TO DO list than you can handle.

Re: Why has development slowed?

PostPosted: 16 Sep 2011 15:37
by old_death
Well, the size of the TODO list is probably due to a tendency to ignore the TODO list completely, just as well as to a tendency to discourage new developers etc. To make a long story short: I don't see the point in doing any coding work if my code is not even included in the debug builds for testing. Currently, all of my 3 code commits (among which are two fixes for bug reports on the tracker, as well as one major performance update) are "on hold" in the code commits forum with no progress since more than one month.

Re: Why has development slowed?

PostPosted: 18 Sep 2011 10:21
by ailurophobe
My point was that having a send feedback button linked to a mailing list would not help. At all.

Re: Why has development slowed?

PostPosted: 07 Mar 2013 23:59
by siavoshkc
IMHO, the main reason is that Raspopov didn't put enough (if any) effort to encourage developers to join the project and learn it. He is a powerful programmer and has a good grasp of Shareaza internals (maybe more than anyone else). Shareaza is a complex and big project. The code is not documented so understanding whole of it would take years without help of someone already dominant. I even don't know which parts of internals does he know about. So now nobody really knows the internals.

Re: Why has development slowed?

PostPosted: 25 Mar 2013 04:13
by raspopov

Re: Why has development slowed?

PostPosted: 25 Mar 2013 17:22
by siavoshkc

Re: Why has development slowed?

PostPosted: 25 Mar 2013 18:05
by raspopov
Not true. Patches are very outdated and questionable.

Re: Why has development slowed?

PostPosted: 25 Mar 2013 18:27
by cyko_01
I sense a flamewar coming on...
A word of caution: Lets try and keep this civil and keep our criticisms constructive.

@raspopov: if you could check out the developers section of the forum once a day it would go a long way. If we have something for you then we, as moderators, will do our best to put it where it belongs - in the dev and code submissions section. If you see that someone is working on the same bit ofcode as you then maybe hold off on your commits for a couple days so they can fix up there code. You are our projects primary dev and probably the one with the best understanding of the code, so it is much easier for you to update your patches then it would be for a newbie to keep up with you

Re: Why has development slowed?

PostPosted: 26 Mar 2013 18:34
by old_death

Re: Why has development slowed?

PostPosted: 10 Apr 2013 10:38
by fractalmode
Please excuse my intrusion. Perhaps a move to Github might be helpful. It seems to have been designed specifically to sidestep these types of issues.

Re: Why has development slowed?

PostPosted: 26 Jun 2013 06:20
by smokex
Actually, sourceforge has git support and OldDeath has no problems creating branches in other projects that have git.. Why not try switching to git?

Re: Why has development slowed?

PostPosted: 26 Jun 2013 15:21
by raspopov
How an svn user sees git workflow.


Re: Why has development slowed?

PostPosted: 26 Jun 2013 20:48
by smokex
Funny picture. :D