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Different Windows Versions - same .exe ?

PostPosted: 03 Dec 2012 20:19
by queueclimber
Just on the the way for reinstalling.
Using VC9 ( for older versions, which were working fine) and vc10 ( for trunk, with some problems at moment),
XP SP2 and 3, and win 8 , ohh and of course, Gentoo

My question:
Does the compiler produce exactly the same code on different windows versions ?
The pre-requirists are all the same.

Re: Different Windows Versions - same .exe ?

PostPosted: 05 Dec 2012 18:02
by raspopov
Ask Microsoft.

Re: Different Windows Versions - same .exe ?

PostPosted: 05 Dec 2012 19:57
by queueclimber
I love your honest answers.

Re: Different Windows Versions - same .exe ?

PostPosted: 06 Dec 2012 08:23
by old_death
But seriously, why do you need that information?

Re: Different Windows Versions - same .exe ?

PostPosted: 11 Dec 2012 19:19
by queueclimber
Why do have programs compatibility problems ?
why, when travelling from London to Manchester people talk in complete differenet languages, living in same country, talking same language ? Or from New York to Texas ?
why, 32-bit is taking procedures different from 64 -bit ?
Why, ed2k search does not work ? ( rev6954 is working very well on same system )
Why, 99.99 % ( paused and restart ) lost all, and download starts from zero ?
Why, filesizechange happens, even after update.
End of first urgent problems.
It seems, QT rewriting is nirvana, too.
Why, 2.7..1.0 Realese is awaiting so long, overriding the spam versions ?

Is Shareaza ending forever, when SF is going down ?

Re: Different Windows Versions - same .exe ?

PostPosted: 07 Mar 2013 23:45
by siavoshkc
A question is only valid and worth answering if its answer has a potential use in solving a specific problem (at least on tech forums).

Different Windows Versions - same .exe ? Yes or No, whats the difference?

I think the answer is if there is a difference it will have no effect on program execution from user's POV.