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Boost-Error with PeerProject

PostPosted: 16 May 2013 18:01
by queueclimber
Dear SkinVista,

I've tried your PeerProject and found it very fine.
Compiling with VS it works good.
But compiling with VS2010 & Intel Composer 2011, suddenly there is a "boost"-error
Build as Release X64.
Ok, there was no problem adding boost to the project.
Here's the screen:

Please, can you check the code ?

Re: Boost-Error with PeerProject

PostPosted: 17 May 2013 15:42
by skinvista
I'll take a further look at this.
The obvious point is that I only bundled the bare minimum of boost files, and in some cases commented out inapplicable lines that would have implied more unnecessary files. Such is the case in /Services/Boost/utility/declval.hpp at\round line ~42. Apparently improperly in this (since untested) instance.
In the meantime, try dumping the current full Boost source includes into /Services/Boost/ (or delete the contents of that path if you already have Boost linked otherwise).

First try simply copying the attached revised file over /Services/Boost/utility/declval.hpp, with custom commenting-out removed.

Re: Boost-Error with PeerProject

PostPosted: 17 May 2013 21:03
by queueclimber
Thx, but it doesn't help. Still running into the Syntax error @ 7
And getting the >multiple Menu< entry bug in VS10 after opening the project two times .
Oh, and please. This is nothing which is very important. Just playing around with the compiler.
The base is working and that's what it is.
There is more another problem. Sources are not queried even if there are free.