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PostPosted: 12 Aug 2013 15:25
by old_death
we're using only a very limited set of boost libraries. Have you ever thought about including those directly in our repository? Like this, we would have one less dependency to look after when getting started to work on Shareaza. Also, it could be easily updated on one central location if a new version of Shareaza were to require a newer version of some files.


Re: Boost

PostPosted: 03 Sep 2013 19:13
by queueclimber
ROFL, when adding gzip to the source you have a one-click compilation
The easiest compiling for the most buggy app
+1 :D

And can be banking

Re: Boost

PostPosted: 03 Sep 2013 20:37
by thecyrez
I've compiled a couple projects with Boost and from what I've observed you can upgrade to the latest release whenever one pops up and everything should be fine. But, yeah, it's got a huge number of tiny files so it's better to, say, keep the folder structure the same but delete everything that's never used.