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vcredist doubleinstall breaks

PostPosted: 21 Feb 2016 10:28
by queuesclimber
With VS2015 the vcredist is already installed.
At first Setup the vcredist is downloaded again (and installed fine)
Now I did update to rev.9617 but setup breaks with unrepairable error
Can you please do something, that the vcredist is not downloading/installing again, when it is already installed ?

Re: vcredist doubleinstall breaks

PostPosted: 21 Feb 2016 15:50
by raspopov
There is no 9617 but 9611.

Setup detects vcredist installation by its product code i.e. "{A2563E55-3BEC-3828-8D67-E5E8B9E8B675}", setup uses version 14.0.23026 (which is seems to be an outdated). You can download it manually here: and install, during installation you can get error and read more info about it in the installation log. Is it a "Error 0x80070666: Cannot install a product when a newer version is installed."?

Thank you.

UPD: I uploaded a new daily build r9623 (compiled by VS2015). Try it.