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How about making a patent for the new name if i comes to it?

PostPosted: 10 Dec 2009 23:56
by punkmaister
If we do lose the name of ShareAza maybe we should try to patent whatever new name this great P2P application gets so no one pulls the rug from underneath in that fashion again. Just a suggestion. Also if a build comes along that finally brings the media player to the same level of the original one, please let me know, I knoe it might be a while but I have waited this long, I can wait a bit more 'till it does.

Re: How about making a patent for the new name if i comes to it?

PostPosted: 11 Dec 2009 01:02
by kevogod

Re: How about making a patent for the new name if i comes to it?

PostPosted: 11 Dec 2009 01:25
by punkmaister

Re: How about making a patent for the new name if i comes to it?

PostPosted: 11 Dec 2009 01:38
by diztrancer
Why u need this stupid media player ???

Start 100-200 downloads and only check your downloads folder once per 1 or 2 days. Check Shareaza once per month. If u will use internal media player there is possibility for crash, which is very bad because P2P application must be running for long period of time.

Why not to use normal player ?

Re: How about making a patent for the new name if i comes to it?

PostPosted: 11 Dec 2009 01:54
by punkmaister