When you do a search on some key words in Shareaza you get a list with headers "File", "Extension", "Size", "Rating", "Status", "Host/Count", "Speed", "Client", "Time", and "Country"; and then Shareaza fills up the columns underneath these headers. My boss has asked me to modify the (open) source code so that in addition to printing this list to the GUI it also prints it to a file. Does anyone know where in the source code it actually creates this list? I had found two likely places, one in "SearchManager.cpp" and another in "CtrlMatch.cpp", but when I added code to print out the filenames and IP addresses, it didn't print out as many as appeared on the GUI, so it didn't look to me like those two spots could have been where Shareaza creates the GUI. If anybody can give me any pointers on this I'd really appreciate it.
Kevin S