Two updated language files

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Two updated language files

Postby zigozag » 17 Nov 2009 07:10

Attached is an archive with two updated language files encoded in UTF-8 for Shareaza: the Gnutella pane in the settings window was displayed in English (and since the pane in question and its cookie changed this also concerns other languages); thanks go to Stitch on #shareaza-french for noticing this. Now this is fixed, all error messages displayed in the system log about the language skin are cleared, the contextual menu in the search monitor window is updated (ban host and browse host now added) along with other minor fixes and version bumps.

The XML syntax should be OK (tested with Firefox) and the files seemed to work fine with Shareaza (r8383) under wine but given how awkward I am, I strongly suggest you test before committing.

Sorry for failing to send these files before the release of version 2.5 :-|
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Re: Two updated language files

Postby zigozag » 18 Nov 2009 04:30

And here comes a copy of Remote.xls with fr and tr locales completed. I don't have Excel, I used 3.1 to edit the spreadsheet, so please test it carefully before committing.
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