BTW, where do I have to make changes if I'd like to change something on the English language Shareaza uses by default? Default.xml within the resource folder (Visual Studio) only allows to change some strings, not all of them. Especially the strings that are loaded from somewhere by their ID are not present in that file...
This file is not usually directly accessible in Visual Studio. Either open it externally in Notepad, drag it onto Visual Studio, or: First run a search for the translated ID# to find the IDS_ name in resource.h, then run a search on that IDS_ to directly access Shareaza.rc in the search results.
Re: Jet an other update of default-de.xml
Posted: 27 May 2011 13:33
by old_death
Thank you skinvista. I'll post a new archive file once I have tested that everything works as expected...
Re: Jet an other update of default-de.xml
Posted: 27 May 2011 20:48
by old_death
OK, this now includes also the files necessary for the changes to the English language strings within Shareaza:
Are these files used in I didn't look into them, but I wondered what has changed on the Network tab, something was different... And yeah, indeed: the word "leaves" was not translated as a noun (should be "Blätter" or left untranslated eventually) but as a verb (like in "he leaves us").
Did someone use an automated translation tool?
Re: Jet an other update of default-de.xml
Posted: 07 Jun 2011 23:13
by old_death
Lol, I've seen that' too... xD Has already been fixed in my private copy.. I must have been drunk when doing this. (And, BTW, I'm going to leave it as "Leaves", as it is a proper noun in my opinion that should not be translated IMHO...)
But I can guarantee you that many other things have been changed in a positive way.