Version 2.5 Next

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Version 2.5 Next

Postby mesogog04 » 16 Sep 2009 18:21

I heard a new Shareaza version is coming October 1. What is new in this version and will it have a new interface? What's up with version 2.5?
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Re: Version 2.5 Next

Postby ocexyz » 16 Sep 2009 20:18

You can see on your own eys. At download site, at bootom there is link "debug builds". There is installer in two versions "debug" and "release", the highier "r" like "revision" the more recent installer is. "Debug" contains additionl code for supervising it work, is bigger but I would suggest this one to try. "Release" is RC, Release Candidate and is almost, almost identical with planned for 1Oct. However it can happen that it will be not but as there is a sagnificant difference with but not all planned for things are ready enough.

I use and most important changes for me are: BitTorrent in one interface with all others networks - but fixed and working as it should, improved security rules and filters usage, built in IRC through which you can ask community for online help in real time, improved interface because of done changes so corrected translations in many languages, improoved compiler and fixed many many , smal things in interface and core code which in total make usage better and easier. I even dont know how many thousands of fixes exactly have been done from last final release = I thinkg much more changes are internal (in code) then external (in interface).

Please try, it is OK for normal usage - any comments and remarks are welcome. Have fun and happy sharing.
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