Merging doesn't work

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Merging doesn't work

Postby hariseldon1 » 13 Sep 2010 23:34

I downloaded several parts of a file that contains many parts, because I thought I already had most of this file from before and only needed the several parts I was missing.

After downloading, the complete file was still on the Transfers page seeding.

I noticed that the quality of the several files was a higher quality than I expected and better than the rest of the file I already had before I downloaded those missing parts. So I decided I wanted to download the whole file and all of its parts - except the several parts I'd already downloaded.

I restarted the torrent and attempted the action - Merge with local file and verify. I was unsure how to do this, since I had several local files I wanted to merge the restarted torrent with.

I tried merging the newly restarted torrent with one of the previously downloaded parts and with all of the previously downloaded parts. I tried it a number of ways, all of which failed.

On the Transfers page, the percentage of the file downloaded would go up by a couple of percentage points and then would go down to zero or nearly zero, as if the merging action failed.

I tried another way. I canceled the torrent and relaunched it again. I tried merging before "resuming" (when nothing had yet been downloaded and I couldn't see the files named), and I tried merging after "resuming" the download.
I tried merging the newly started torrent with all of the file parts I had, and I tried merging with just one part at a time.


In another situation, a (non-torrent) file had completed to 100% and was stuck on "Verifying" for a long time when the computer was shut off. When the computer was restarted, the file was at zero percent downloaded. I tried the actions "Assume file is 100% and reverify" and then I tried "Forget current verification status and reverify", both of which failed to change anything.

I suspect these are two different problems, but I'm mentioning this second problem with the verification, in case the first issue above (re: Merging doesn't work) is failing because of a verification problem.

And re: the first problem above, I couldn't find any info on how to merge with multiple parts already downloaded.

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Re: Merging doesn't work

Postby siavoshkc » 15 Sep 2010 11:35

You can only merge parts of the same file. Different qualities means you are downloading from different files on network.

File staying in verifying state is a bug. Right click on them and resume.

Changing to 0 percent is a bug or file was invalidated completely (failed to verify).
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Re: Merging doesn't work

Postby hariseldon1 » 15 Sep 2010 20:52

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Re: Merging doesn't work

Postby siavoshkc » 20 Sep 2010 11:01

As I know one torrent file always download same file(s). So its impossible that part(s) of ONE file come with better quality that the others. But each FILE can has its own quality.
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Re: Merging doesn't work

Postby hariseldon1 » 20 Sep 2010 17:22

Sorry, what I meant in that first post is that a long time ago I had downloaded episodes of an online series, some of which were fairly poor quality. Then when I came across this file that had all the episodes, at first I only downloaded the several I was missing.
When I looked at them, I noticed they were much better quality than the episodes I had downloaded over a year ago from a different source.

Wanting all the episodes from the same source I just downloaded several episodes from, I restarted the same torrent. When I attempted to merge the newly restarted torrent with the already downloaded episodes from the same torrent, it would not merge with any of them.


Last edited by cyko_01 on 20 Sep 2010 22:23, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: ahem! I don't know of any tv shows that are CC licence do you?!
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