On this WM8505 system some Linux developer have made a Debian Arm Embedded light linux loaded on SDHC card (no NAND CE-OS erased) and AMULE client work -slowly , yes- but work ..... ; the final goal is to use this Hw as Sheevaplug or NSLU2 Nas storage when it do not use as ultraminipc for travel or holiday.
http://devio.us/~nextvolume/via_arm/index.phpI am into Italian porting project for LEP3 (large extended partition ext3/reiserfs on SDHC) and my linux "workstation" WM8505 work correctly as remote NAS ; to do this on winCe6 left hand only P2P/torrent client but I cannot find anyone that are capable
to compile it for windows ARM embedded.
Please help us
many thanks
Giuseppe - Italy