I have just started to use Shareaza v2.5.5.0 SSE2 (x64), but it seems like that the hashing is only using one core of my quad-core x64 processor.
The process itself is very slow (even after I clicked on the "hash faster" button). My HD is not working hard, my CPU is 25% (so one core is working, the other three are idle).
I have many files to hash, but it will take ages to complete. The GUI responds slowly as well, the overall user experience isn't that good.
I think that I am not alone with this problem, so I wonder if you're planning to implement the parallel hashing in the near future?
I've optimized CPU, I/O and DB intense multi-threaded .NET code before. My C++ knowledge is dusty but I'd be happy to help if you need it.
Is there a Wiki page where I can get some info about joining the project as a developer?