Registry info for ver

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Registry info for ver

Postby jamesb101 » 15 Feb 2012 15:11

Hope someone can help me.

I have recieved conflicting info regarding determining what is actively shared. I was told that I could determine what was being shared by looking at the library1.dat and library2.dat files. Someone also said that you can check the \software\shareaza\shareaza\community registry entry and determine sharing status by looking at the ServeFiles setting.

Can anyone definitively confirm or deny which is true?

Again, this is version I am talking about.

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Re: Registry info for ver

Postby old_death » 15 Feb 2012 17:20

Just open up Shareaza and go to the library view. All files whose name is written in black color are shared, all other files (names written in gray color) are unshared. Note however that there is one little exception to this: if you have two copies of the same file in your library and one (or more) of the copies is unshared, the file is not shared on the networks, no matter the sharing status of the other copy(/ies) of the file.

You can (un)share a file in your library by setting the "Shared" checkbox in the context menu that pops up when right-clicking on the file. You can add or remove folders from your library by selecting Tools >> Share Files in the main menu.

I hope I could help you,

PS.: I am certain you could also extract the sharing status of files from your library1.dat and library2.dat files, but as those are not human readable, it's a quite complicated task. You would have to look at the Shareaza source code to achieve this.
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