All of a sudden I can no longer connect to any of the networks. It worked fine yesterday but today it's impossible i tried and passed the connection test from the help menu. Also when I check the network tab it seems like all connections timeout with in one (1) second.
I scanned the PC for viruses using McAfee and fond no threats.
Anyone that can help me with this problem?
Edit : Update, Now the program say I'm connected to one neighbour, But at the same time it say that it trying to connect to all networks, What's happening?
Update 2, No again it say that I'm not connected but still someone is able to load files from me, Strange....

Update 3, Now I can download, But still the program say I'm not connected, Why????

I'm starting to think that there must be some "bad" program on my PC that directs me trough some computer/computers on the way to the Gnutella network, Anyone who have any idea what may have happened?
Please help me.