Time for a new name and domain folks

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Time for a new name and domain folks

Postby pic889 » 18 Jan 2013 16:59

Okay folks, this situation with Discordia has evolved into a collosal mess. It's time to start over with a new name and domain. And make sure ownership of the domain, trademark and any funds belong TO A NOT-FOR-PROFIT, and not to some individual who can be bullied/bribed by Discordia (also make sure the owners of the not-for-profit are the top code contributors and not some random guy).

Sure, having to build reputation from scratch sucks, but not as much as having someone else claiming ownership of your name and using your reputation. As I see it, the situation with the Shareaza trademark and domain cannot be solved without spending a truckload of money nobody of us has. The current situation is a dead end.

So, please start with a new name. Other P2P programs are either been closed down (mostly because their owners were idiots, see Limewire) or are going from bad to worse with more spyware/adware in every version (and they are not open source). And P2P programs are more resilient to SOPA-like legislation than torrents. The world needs you. It's important to have a name that shows up first in a google search (i know about yahoo, but for better or worse most people use google nowadays) and a name that cannot be hijacked by Discordia. Please do it. The world needs you.

P.S: And you can keep this website. Just make a "mirror" of this site with a different name and logo. Nothing else needs to change.
Posts: 2
Joined: 18 Jan 2013 16:56

Re: Time for a new name and domain folks

Postby lovebomb » 28 Jan 2013 06:40

I agree. The Shareaza name and brand has been sullied anyway. It's a great project and still unique in its feature set. A new name and domain (or even just a new name, for starters) could help bring [Shareaza] back into the mainstream.
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Joined: 28 Jan 2013 06:34

Re: Time for a new name and domain folks

Postby borsti67 » 04 Feb 2013 12:44

I don't think so.
As long as the project doesn't have sufficient funding to sue anyone trying to cheat with the new name it will face exactly the same issues.
You only lose the rest of your reputation.
IMHO it would be of MUCH more use if some talented programmers would support coding and push progress.
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Joined: 29 Dec 2009 22:23

Re: Time for a new name and domain folks

Postby pic889 » 25 Mar 2013 21:52

Posts: 2
Joined: 18 Jan 2013 16:56

Re: Time for a new name and domain folks

Postby magagog41 » 22 Jul 2013 22:55

Totally agree with the post above. It could not be said more clear. Shareazaa needs a new start.

Sorry for my bad english
Posts: 2
Joined: 16 Jul 2011 22:27

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