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Sintomas: Después de desinstalar Shareaza, recibo errores al darle click URI's/P2P Links tales como ED2K URI's o Torrents. El Error es una ventana de Windows diciendo algo como "Windows no puede encontrar 'ed2k:// [...]'. Asegurate que has escrito el nombre correctamente..."

SOLUTION: You are getting this error because Shareaza set itself as the default handler for that URI type. For example, if you used eMule before Shareaza, Shareaza will set itself as the default handler for 'ED2K' URI's. This means when you click ED2K URI's, it will use Shareaza and not eMule. For Shareaza 'taking over' BitTorrent files, you can solve such problem by deleting or editing the open action for the TORRENT file type in the Windows Folder Options control (please refer to the BitTorrent FAQ).

You most likely will receive these errors if you uninstall Shareaza. When you uninstall Shareaza, it only removes Shareaza as the default handler. Those Registry keys are flushed. However, your eMule or other client may not reset those settings automatically for you. The most common way to do this is to go into the client's Options/Preferences area and reset the URI default handling settings. You can also try reinstalling the client. Sometimes you'll have to manually edit the registry (rare).

You can also try reinstalling Shareaza, then in the General Settings-->Web, uncheck all the file and link associations, and click OK. Then uninstall Shareaza, and 'rerun your other programs' installers and tell them to take particular links, or otherwise tell them to take those links.

To find out how to reset those settings in another client, such as eMule, please consult that client's support forum.