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11) Friends List
11) Friends List
Fire wall issue, network flooding issue, dynamic IP issue, sounds good, but is bad for the network, and hard to implement.
Fire wall issue, network flooding issue, dynamic IP issue, sounds good, but is bad for the network, and hard to implement.
[[Category:External Links]]

Latest revision as of 11:50, 22 February 2010

This is a list of the features requested in the Shareaza forum. Any single feature will have a linked page describing it, because it is worth to implement and because it is not. The aim is to write a lasting and easy mantenible list that can be cited and linked from others. The wiki let people link and map these features and their relations (a feature need other features to be implementable, useful, more useful, etc.).

Feature Request Index


01) eMule Kademlia Support

02) Direct Connect/DC++ support

03) Ares network with Ares DHT


01) Support for Nodes/Sources with Domain Name

02) Support for SOCKS v4/5

03) Joltid Peer Cache

04) WebCache

05) SSL/Encryption of the traffic


01) Flox


01) Browsing eDonkey/eMule nodes

02) Import and Export ED2K link with hashset included

03) Support for ICH and AICH hashes

04) Send SHA1 and TTH using the eDonkey protocol extensions

05) Support for eDonkey's catalog files

06) Dedicated slot(s) with a very long timeout for firewalled clients

BitTorrent Related Features

01) FilesDownload multifile torrents using separate files This will let to code additional features like: 01.01) [[Feature.Request.DownloadSelectedFilesFromTorrent|Download only the selected files from the torrent) 01.02) Find the torrent's files already in the Library

02) Host a local tracker for torrents

03) Support for the Azureus DHT

04) Support for the Official BitTorrent Client DHT

Community Features

01) IRC/Istant Messaging support for chat. Currently under development. E.T.A. Shareaza 2.3

02) eMule Secure Identification

03) eMule credit system eMule Credit system is not planned for now.

04) Horde Horde is not planned for now.

05) Chat available only when not in tray Ability to auto-enable, auto-disable the chat when RAZA is minimized in the tray bar. Optionally, with an "Away" message when not available. (Implemented in Beta)

Shareaza Only (not Related with Gnutella/Gnutella2/eDonkey200 network, BitTorrent, chat, etc.]]

01) Import partial download (Implemented in beta)

02) File fragment manager

03) Fake Files List

04) Library hash back up and restore/redownload

05) Event Driven Command Support AntiVirus-Scanner Auto seed torrents This is a broad spectrum feture that comprises: Start/Stop Seeding Torrent(s) Automatically; Autorun commands on download completion like AntiVirus Scanner, Archive integrity Check, etc.; Start/Stop seeding of Torrents at configurable times or when conditional events occur, etc. Alert when a download completes. Tune bandwidth usege... Add your...

06) Big "Reset to Defaults" Button How about Default buttons on each area when your change stuff :) Restore Default Settings This Button reset the Shareaza settings to the default values.

07) Syncronize multiple instances of Shareaza Ability to coordinate multiple nodes of Shareaza so they will download not overlapping parts of the same file(s).

08) Media Player support for OGG files

09) Duplicates special folder in Library Show Duplicates special folder in Library A new folder in the file Library that show duplicated files in the shared folders Very useful when you have 1,000s of files shared and the names are different.

10) Archives support rar/zip browse Ability for Shareaza to look into an archive file (Zip, RAR, etc.) and index the content, making available the metadata for searches or downloads

11) TTH and eDonkey hashset Retrieval Status TigerTree icon Ability for Shareaza to display the retrieval status of the TigerTree and of the eDonkey hashset. Ability to force the retrieval of these metadata.

12) Smart corrupt file detection Smart Corrupted/Fake File Detection Download first the bytes that enable to check the file type. So Shareaza can detect if a file is what its name tell (a .RAR file is a RAR archive, etc.) or something else (and what, if it is a know format).

13) Ability to search any combination of networks Ability to search results from all, Gnutella only, G2 only, eDonkey only, Gnutella + G2, G2 + eDonkey, Gnutella + eDonkey, Gnutella + G2 + eDonkey (and other combination if other networks are added in future).

14) Choose the network a file is downloaded or shared Choose the Network a File is shared on[/COLOR] Any single file could be downloaded and shared only from the network(s) selected. File A could be downloaded only from sources from G2, File B only from sources from eDonkey, File C only from Gnutella, File D only from Gnutella and G2, etc. Any single file could be set to ignore sources from and not upload to any and all desidered networks.

15) Queues Balancing sub-net for quicker transfere between Raza clients Ability to move a request of upload from the original network protocol (E.G. ed2kFTP) to another network (E.G. HTTP) This require compatibility from the server and the client side. This could help to better balance the network traffic.

16) Search by Licence Terms - show license name in search results - show license name in tool tip - show license URI in file details - Search for CC content under "cc:sharing" and "cc:sampling" shortcuts - id3 support Morpheus 4.3 with NEOnet

17) WLAN and LAN optimization LAN support

18) Associate metadata to folders

19) Ability to communicate with other clients to switch queues

20) Popularity-Based File Reconstruction This can be extended to enable Shareaza to detect different copies of the same file (because one (or more) of them is corrupted) and "fix it" if the user want. A part of this feature is already implemented, but extending it is not a simple task. Use alternate hash to match multiple copies of same MP3 with different ID3v1 OR v2 idea for G2 program Downloading PowerTools

21) CDDB/FreeDB CDDB integration

22) Linux Porting or Multiplatform Version Linux The developers team code mainly for Windows OSes. The current policy is, when possible, to disentangle the GUI from the Core of Shareaza, and to refactor the code to be as OS indipendent as it is possible. Other G2 applications are in development that run under Linux or are multiOSes.

23) Skin-preview The ability to see a preview image of the selected skin.

24) Metadata Database -all metadata and thumbnails will be stored in one DB file under the shareaza folder

Features that will never be implemented

01) Fasttrack, KaZaa, Grokster, Overnet, WinMX support

  • the FastTrack network is encrypted (for connecting only), the standards are not freely available and Sharman Networks want to be paid to licence their technology and using their network.
  • UUHash as used in FastTrack clients is weak and therefore exploitable.
  • WinMX is not an open network with open clients or standards.
  • Overnet is dead.

02) Mute, Waste, DCC (IRC), etc. DCC transfers/Waste lack proper hash identification of files. Mainly these networks are not worth the hassle of coding them in Shareaza (too small, too similar to give something useful, too different to integrate correctly, lack of proper hashes/features). But if you are able to code, now Shareaza is licensed under GNU GPL, so you could develop a mod with access to one or more of these networks.

03)VOIP -Voice Over IP Shareaza is a P2P client, not an all-in-one solution for your internet needs.

04) Hide IPs in the GUI. Doing so would only be a cosmetic thing but won't improve security in any way.

05) Automatically Research for new sources Shareaza automatically research new sources if the available sources for a file are less than a minimun (configurable). But too much searches will damage the network and are probably not useful to the searcher, so don't ask for the ability to research every 10 seconds or every ten minutes. [/B]

06) Multicast Need the support of the ISP.

07) Integrated Browser Shareaza is a P2P client, not an all-in-one solution for your internet needs.

08) Friend Only Sharing Against everything P2P stands for. Shareaza is for sharing files with everyone, not just a select few.

09) Ghost files without downloading Open to abuse, people could click everything.

10) Last time seen complete could inspire people to stop sharing the file, like at say 99.99% NOTE (ZeRO): does that only reflect your own opinion? IMO this would be an incredibly useful column in the downloads window. what's so bad about users aborting downloads when no complete copy has been seen for a long time?

11) Friends List Fire wall issue, network flooding issue, dynamic IP issue, sounds good, but is bad for the network, and hard to implement.