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[[::XPSP2ProbsTweaks|English]] • [[::XPSP2ProbsTweaks/de|Deutsch]] • [[::XPSP2ProbsTweaks/es|Español]] • [[::XPSP2ProbsTweaks/fr|Français]] • [[::XPSP2ProbsTweaks/he|עברית]] • [[::XPSP2ProbsTweaks/it|Italiano]] • [[::XPSP2ProbsTweaks/nl|Nederlands]] • [[::XPSP2ProbsTweaks/pl|Polski]] • [[::XPSP2ProbsTweaks/pt|Português]] • [[::XPSP2ProbsTweaks/ru|Русский]] • [[::XPSP2ProbsTweaks/zh-hant|‪中文(繁體)]]


Windows XP Service Pack 2 limits the number of connections that can be opening at once. This can have an impact on the performance of P2P applications, and may also make the initial connection to the network slow.

More recent versions of Shareaza detect the presence of Service Pack 2 during the Quickstart Wizard, and will modify some settings to improve performance and reliability.

Run the Quickstart Wizard in the Tools menu. You should see a confirmation that your system has been configured.


That's all you need to do to get up and running under Windows XP, service pack 2!

Note: Users of Windows XP Service Pack 2 may have trouble connecting to multiple networks. Generally, it works best sticking to the default settings. Most users find that attempting to run more than two networks will cause problems, so be careful if you plan to enable multiple networks.

If you are an advanced user and don't mind messing with your operating system, several people have reported improved performance by modifying system files.

Warning: Changing system files is dangerous. You could mess up Windows if you do something wrong, and possibly lose data. We do not offer support for this operation, and you should not try it unless you know what you are doing.

The LvlLord patch can remove the SP2 limit. Note: This patch has not been created or tested by the Shareaza team.

Once this patch has been applied, the SP2 limits should have been removed (or the limit increased). It is now safe to modify some advanced settings in Shareaza:

  • Downloads.MaxConnectingSources can be set to 20. (This is the most important change)
  • Gnutella.ConnectFactor can be increased to 4 or 5 to improve connect speed. (Modem or low bandwidth users may want to keep it at 3)
  • Downloads.ConnectThrottle should be set to 250 - 500, depending on your connection. (If your router regualarly gives you trouble, you might want to increase this.)
  • Downloads.MaxFileSearches should be set between 1 and 4. (1 for low bandwidth users, 3 for high.)

Another Warning: Be certain that you have removed the SP2 limit before changing these settings. If you make these changes, and have not modified the system files, then Shareaza is likely to run very, very badly.

If you have fully updated Windows XP with Microsoft's security patches as of April 2005, you may need to re-apply the LvlLord patch.