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[[::MediaWikiRecovery|English]] • [[::MediaWikiRecovery/de|Deutsch]] • [[::MediaWikiRecovery/es|Español]] • [[::MediaWikiRecovery/fr|Français]] • [[::MediaWikiRecovery/he|עברית]] • [[::MediaWikiRecovery/it|Italiano]] • [[::MediaWikiRecovery/nl|Nederlands]] • [[::MediaWikiRecovery/pl|Polski]] • [[::MediaWikiRecovery/pt|Português]] • [[::MediaWikiRecovery/ru|Русский]] • [[::MediaWikiRecovery/zh-hant|‪中文(繁體)]]


Objectives of Wiki recovery

By recovering the wiki content we want to acheive the following:

  • recovery as much as possible
  • reinstate reliable content
  • prevent content for all system versions against loose it
  • clean/verify/update wiki content
  • make wiki better and easier than it was before
  • make wiki actual documentation for Shareaza

Rules for recovering

Our goal is to restore as much of content as possible. If you are going to help in this please try to follow the rules and conventions outlined below. By following these guidelines we can maximize our efficiency and maintain the quality of our wiki.

First of all do it better, only then faster

Please always have in mind that the true quality of any documentation is determined by the USEABILITY and RELIABILITY of its content. Our primary concern is not how fast the content was written, or how much there is, regardless of how many users are waiting for it. Useless documentation will only cause people to get frustrated and leave the wiki, or even stop using Shareaza. The quality of the wiki is our strongest tool in Shareaza marketing. Please respect users and others working on wiki.

One thing in one place only, in the whole Wiki

Please take as a general rule "one thing is to be described in one place (page)". If necessary it can be linked with "[ [ name_of_wiki_page ] ]" like in Wikipedia. This makes it easier for us to update content and also makes the wiki easier to use.

Content about older systems

Please do not remove information about older versions of shareaza, since the information is still needed for many users. Rather then moving the outdated content to a new page, it is preferred to divide that part of the article into sections pertaining to each different version or operating system. These sections should be ordered by release date starting with the most recent and finishing with the oldest so that the most relevant information is at the top.

Content from last backup

If a page contains old content that could still be relevant to some users, please do not replace it with the new content, but instead merge the two whenever possible. If it is not possible to merge the two then the article may need to be divided into sections.

Reinstated structure

We try to reinstated structure, but please do not use subpages if this is not needed. This is very fancy but makes it much harder to read (for users), edit, recover, and verify information (have we recovered all and is it actual content). Translating of subpages is also more difficult when the context is lost, and in many cases subpages are untranslated orphans. Avoid it please, at least during recovery.

Comments at recovered pages

Recovered pages should begin with the RecoveredPage template.

{{RecoveredPage|page status message}}

If you can, please describe there the date the recovered content was last edited, and the date the content was recovered. Do not leave a date if you are unsure of it - It is better to have no date then to have a date that is wrong. This helps other people working on recovery.

If you think the whole page has been recovered please mention this, preferably with the date of the last edit on the old wiki.

You may wish to write something like:


The following content has been recovered from <recovery source>. Some content may be outdated, incomplete, inaccurate, or improperly formatted.


If you want to leave a note for yourself or for others you can add comments using the note template. The Note template, unlike the RecoveredPage template, can be color-coded to help with organization.

{{Note|#E8F7FC|not to self or others}}

You may wish to write something like:

end of recovered content

there was no backuped content

content recovered from last available backup


Shareaza Wiki is recovered from many sources. We recover only our own, by Shareaza community created and owned, content. Unfortunately this also means that the content have to be selected and gathered manually to be useful (bot is useless when no rules can be set), and this make it will take a longer time to obtain effects, as in total there can be even about 5000-6000 unique pages to examine and process them to become Shareaza wiki pages again.


Seems in many cases formatting will have to be done again. Plain text is pasted in most cases.

Date of recovered content

Date mentioned in source of recovered page is placed at the end of page or in template RecoveredPage. This is date of last edition in sabotaged wiki. This is not a date of last edit in current page which is added automaticly by current wiki at the footer of any page.

Language Template Usage

The wiki hosted on sourcefroge does not support all the same functions as the old wiki. One example of this is the #if function. The result of this is that the language template used on almost every page is now broken on many pages. In order to fix as many pages as possible with as little work required the following steps are necessary:

1) parser functions have been removed - if a page is not available it will be listed anyways and the link will be red (allowing for the creation of a new page at that location)
2) The page name is now a required parameter - this will make the template work only on the translated pages, but since there are far more translated pages then english pages this is the best method to correct the problem
3) creation of a new "language" template - this is intended to be used only on english pages as it will not support the pagename parameter. This will make it much easier to correct the broken language template on english pages

Sources for Shareaza Wiki recovery

This is more precisely described in this thread URGENT HELP in RECOVER SHAREAZA RESOURCES NEEDED NOW!! Sources are copies pages grabbed from any aviable internet service cache like eg. Google, Yahoo etc. Grabbed of course by Shareaza volunteers.

How you can help (remember: this is open source project)

The biggest problem we are facing right now is that the people who have the files do not have the time or they are not making them properly available(dead links). For this reason was set up a site where everyone can upload and download these files as they please. Everyone who has anything please take the time to upload it at If you do not yet have access to the shareaza wiki and you want to help then please PM at forum to Cyko who will gladly give anyone edit permissions (sourceforge forces us to give edit permissions individually, but it doesn't take long).

Current Shareaza Wiki content status

Current Shareaza Wiki content consist of last aviable for us backup and recovered pages which are being added one by one. This is backup from 2008 year so it is quite old, however can be useful. You can use it as trusted content, however have in mind it is outdated in many places. We are sorry for that, but the only way to change it is to recover lost Shareaza Wiki pages. Or get it back from person who had sabotaged it, William Shields Erwin, but that would require his good will and cooperation hence we think we can't count on this. Reasons and background are described here

List of recovered pages

Recovered pages list