
From Shareaza Wiki
Revision as of 12:32, 11 November 2009 by Ocexyz (talk | contribs) (Created Link-tank, for usefull links)
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Link tank

Here are list of important or interesting links related anyhow with Shareaza project. There are project sites or some either sites related, also some services or software which is worth to inform users about. List is created upon users experiences. It can be a help in case of looking for actual project domain or site.

Shareaza project links

Official home site of project.

Shareaza final version download page

Shareaza debug version download page

  • Download page for so called debug builds, in theory for beta-testers and advanced users, in practise for all who need more updated/fixed Shareaza before nearest next official realise will be published.

Help desk page

  • Shareaza help or support site, here you will find links to Shareaza IRC, wiki and forums. IRC is the quickest way for user to obtain help. You can enter IRC using links here via browser or any IRC client or by using built-in Shareaza IRC client.

Shareaza forum

Shareaza User Wiki

Shareaza Developer Wiki

Shareaza skins and additions

Shareaza overview

usefull or helpfull software

PeerGuardian 2 (PG2)

  • PeerGuardian 2 is Phoenix Labs’ premier IP blocker for Windows. PeerGuardian 2 integrates support for multiple lists, list editing, automatic updates, and blocking all of IPv4 (TCP, UDP, ICMP, etc), making it the safest and easiest way to protect your privacy on P2P. It is maintained but not developed actively, open source. Idea is continued by PeerPblock team, described below.


  • PeerBlock lets you control who your computer "talks to" on the Internet. By selecting appropriate lists of "known bad" computers, you can block communication with advertising or spyware oriented servers, computers monitoring your p2p activities, computers which have been "hacked", even entire countries! They can't get in to your computer, and your computer won't try to send them anything either. This is continuation (fork) of PeerGuardian 2, fixed and recomended for Vista and W7 users - while PG2 is not.

usefull or helpfull sites

Shareaza site in Wikipedia


  • WOT or Web Of Trust, very recommended addition to your browser which auto warns against dangerous or fake sites.

some (NOT ALL) of scummers, malware etc. sites

Here are listed sites which should be avoided so they have intentionally dot (".") replaced with asterisk ("*") to make them not linkable. This is warning against danger places.

  • shaeaza*com - stolen domain, which is not Shareaza home any longer.