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If you want to run a Gnutella 2 Gwebcache, I recommend using Bazooka. (Instructions for Gnutella coming soon)

You can download the package from:

You need to modify some settings from config.php file

Bazooka config.php settings (Originally by Atomo64) (It will be modified)

$BAZ_ROOT = "\g2data\";

E: This is the path to the directory where the cache data is going to be stored.

T: Most of the web servers run over a unix or linux plataform, so the path can be like this: ./data/(note that this is not a full path, so if you change the main script of directory it is not going to work). But over a Windows plataform the path can be like this: data\, note that Windows paths uses a back slash instead of a normal slash, what makes that using "" as a string format the back slash has to be double, but if it is replaced with , a normal back slash can work.

$BAZ_PASS = "";

E: This is not used.

T: You can remove it if you want, it is not going to affect anything.


E: It is going to complitely disable the cache.


E: Changes the PHP settings to show all level error messages.

T: It is used for developers for find bugs

$BAZ_LOG = 0;

E: It is not used since the stats package was never released.

T: Keep it because bazooka is going to check if it is set to true or false.

$BAZ_KS_ON = 0;

E: This feature makes that when a there's a cache submission, the cache url is checked for validation and it connects to it to know if it works or not and if it is a web cache.

T: This may cause a double check of the URL, so, it is not recommended to enable it.

$BAZ_URL_ON = 1;

E: When enabled(and PHP allows it), it is going to connect to the cache that is submited to check for validation. When it is disabled, bazooka is going to block any cache submission.

T: It is very important to enable it, so you can keep a clean cache.


E: When a host is submited, it must have atleast 50 leafs so it is added to the cache.

T: This doesn't really have functionallity, because if you limit the hosts to have 50 leafs, reduces the chances that a client that is searching a hub to connect to can find a hub where it can get a place.


E: It is wrongly used in the code, so it doesn't affect the timeout.

T: You have to keep the var, but any value can be used.


E: Unknown usage.

T: You have to keep it because it is mentioned by the script.


E: When a cache is submited and it already exists, if it is older than $BAZ_CACHE_RC days, bazooka is going to validate the cache again, so if it still exists the time is going to be updated, if not, it is going to be removed.

T: You can keep it with a 14 days value, because less time can make a waste of bandwidth and more time can make the cache data become old.