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Update Notification Protocol

An HTTP Request is sent out with two parameters:

  • Version - the version making the request
  • GUID - node's identifier, currently not used


The script produces a urlencoded response, consisting of keys and values. For example:


If no upgrade is needed, the script simply returns no upgrade keys/values (it can even return an empty response). If an upgrade is needed, these keys/values are usually included in the response:

  • UpgradePrompt - message to display to user, usually lists some of the new features or important information
  • UpgradeVersion - indicates the version the user is being upgraded to. This is a work-around for people who manually upgraded.
  • UpgradeFile - what to name the download, eg "Shareaza_2.1.0.0.exe"
  • UpgradeHash - the uppercase BASE32 encoded SHA1 of the file, with no URN prefix. For example "TLT5GBT6YX3GXDQM4AMSCAAAAAAAEKM"
  • UpgradeSources - One or more HTTP sources to add to the download. If this is missing, the download won't have any initial sources.
  • UpgradeTiger - the uppercase BASE32 encoded TigerTree root hash without prefix.

Some other useful keys that can be returned (with or without the upgrade keys):

  • NextCheck - don't call back for N days, used to manage web server load
  • AddDiscovery - can be used to feed new GWebCache URLs to clients.
  • SystemMsg - print some text in the system/log window
  • Message - show a plain MessageBox() style message (not an upgrade prompt)