
From Shareaza Wiki
Revision as of 20:09, 20 June 2009 by Kevogod (talk | contribs) (1 revision)
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The aim of this feature is to enable Shareaza to connect and use the DirectConnect network as DirectConnect, DC++ and ReverseConnect do.

The relevant forum pool and discussion is Direct Connect/DC++ support

DirectConnect is a server based network of Hubs. All hubs have their rules and they are enforced from the hub admins. This make the DirectConnect network a "Elitistic Social Network" where hub connect different nodes specialized in particular files (videos, books, comics, softwares) or in particular languages, etc.

Its main advantage is that the stricter rules enforced force people to cooperate. Minimum size of library shared, upload streems, bandwidth are often required to join a hub. This let people with big libraries and fat pipes to join the best hubs. More you share and more you are able to find and obtain.

What will help this feature to be coded is: disentangling the networks' code, so coding a new network/protocol or recoding an old one will not affect the others.