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Starting Shareaza for the first time

????????Shareaza. ???????????, ????????????????.

  1. ????, ??????, ????S??? (?????????). ????????
  2. Shareaza ???. ?????????????; ?????????????? (???????????). ???? Shareaza ??????????????.
  3. ????????????????????, ??? Shareaza ??????. ??????????, ?????????????, ????? [FAQ.FirewallsRouters firewalled]. ?????????, ??????? ????????????????. ??, ????????????, ???? "???" ??.
  4. ???, ???????????????Shareaza ????. ??????????????, ????????????. ???????????????, ?????????, ?? "???" ??. (??: ????????????)
  5. Shareaza ??????????; ?????????????????, ?????? "????". ????????, ??????????????????. (????????????? -- ???????????) ??????????????????. The user name you've chosen may be sent to others when they upload or download from you. Other profile information may be sent to other people when browsing or chatting with you. This is the only use of profile information. When you are done, click "Next" to continue.
  6. ???????????? Shareaza ???; ????????, ?????????????.
  7. Shareaza ???????????????CPU ????.
  8. Shareaza can display some additional torrent options in the settings and user interface.
  9. ??????????? Shareaza ?? BitTorrent, ????????. The [Options.Web Shareaza settings] can also be used to register/unregister Shareaza as the handler of the .torrent file type.
  10. In this last step you can define when Shareaza connects to the network. The two boxes at the top are normally left checked, but you can customize it to your heart's content.
  11. Now you can click "Finish". Congratulations! You have now configured Shareaza to fit your needs, and can start using it!
  12. ?????????, ?????????? ???? ??.

Continue to the next step >> (Let's start searching and downloading from the network)