Shareaza Wiki:Language policy

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Revision as of 17:40, 26 July 2009 by Cyko 01 (talk | contribs) (recovered from backups)
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The following content has been recovered from the old wiki.


Shareaza and the Shareaza Wiki are multilingual projects. We use English as the primary language for development and discussion, since it is the most common language and most members of the Shareaza community can speak it fluently. Any updates, upgrades, or changes are first introduced in English so they can easily be translated into as many languages as possible. In case of any doubts the English version should prevail over other languages. There is no limit of how many languages Shareaza can be translated into, so anyone interested is welcome to make a new translation, provided they are willing to help maintain it as development continues with Shareaza(.

Since Shareaza is open source software, we abide by the open source principles. Any translation that does not follow these principles will not be considered for inclusion as part of Shareaza, or be supported by the Shareaza community. This includes, but is not limited to, respecting the terms of the GNU GPL license, respecting any copyrights and trademarks of the Shareaza project, not partaking in/encouraging illegal activity, and respecting our community and users.

The Shareaza Wiki is continuously edited, updated, and developed by volunteers from all over the world who want to communicate their knowledge to the rest of the community. Every page of the Shareaza Wiki is created by volunteers so mistakes are made. We ask that you use common sense when using the Shareaza Wiki and that you let us know if you think the information given here is not correct. Thank you in advance.