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Submitting your code
Before writing code, talk to other developers, and check out the coding guidelines for our project.
Here's how to get the code you wrote into Shareaza. Within the Development Discussion forum, there is another forum called Code Submission. Create a new topic in Code Submission and explain your changes. Compress your edited .h and .cpp files into a .zip file, and attach it to the post. People will discuss your work in the forum topic, and you can answer questions.
At, the Shareaza project lists the developers who have read and write access to the source code through SVN. Several of these group members review the Code Submission forum regularly, and will commit your edited files into the source code - if there has been no problem found in it within a certain time. Note that it might take a while until your code is committed, as not every dev is an expert in every part of Shareaza, so he or she might want others to post their opinion(s) first, before committing your work.
Also, as our devs have a real life, too, one or more of them might be a week off when you do commit your code to the forum. In this case you should be patient when waiting for the commit. :)
Navigation: ShareazaWiki > Developers > Developers.GettingStarted.SubmitCode