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List of files and what they do

Shareaza 2.0

StdAfx.h Hash value types like MD4, MD5, SHA1, and TIGEROOT. The enumeration type HASH_NULL, HASH_SHA1, through HASH_TORRENT. The 16-byte GUID type GGUID, and inline operator overloads to see if two GGUIDs are the same or not

MD4.h, MD4.cpp The CMD4 class that computes MD4 hashes with methods like Add and GetHash C++ code that actually computes the MD4 hash is in MD4.cpp

MD5.h, MD5.cpp The CMD5 class that computes MD5 hashes with methods like Add and GetHash C++ code that actually computes the MD5 hash is in MD5.cpp

SHA.h, SHA.cpp The CSHA class that computes SHA1 hashes with methods like Add and GetHash C++ code that actually computes the SHA1 hash is in SHA.cpp

TigerTree.h, TigerTree.cpp


ED2K.h, ED2K.cpp

camper's code

  • What is the complete list of files?