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This page presents a guide for finding and solving Gnutella2 and gnutella specific connection problems.
Please note that you should have read the General Connection Problems Guide before passing on to this network specific guide.
A few words about Gnutella and Gnutella2
Gnutella2 and gnutella are both fully decentralized peer to peer networks, and thus have no central server to connect to. Instead, you connect to other nodes, which in turn connect you to the rest of the network. These nodes you connect to are called "hubs" for Gnutella2 and "ultrapeers" for Gnutella. They are normal systems that have been running on the network for a long time, so tend to be stable. When you click connect, Shareaza starts looking for hubs or ultrapeers to connect to. Usually, it should take less than a minute to get you connected, as Shareaza has a host cache with many known hubs and ultrapeers in it.
However, hubs/ultrapeers come and go. If you've been offline for a long time (or had connection troubles), it's possible that all the hubs Shareaza knows about in its host cache have gone offline. This means it can take a very long time to get connected and in some cases it won't be able to connect at all. This is where the GWebCaches come in -- they are scripts running on websites that have a list of nodes to try to connect to, which is always kept up to date. Shareaza can query those services for new hosts, so that it may then get you connected to Gnutella and Gnutella2. Usually, Shareaza will query them automatically, but sometimes it needs some help. If you are having troubles connecting to any of the two Gnutella networks, then try querying the services, resetting the list of services and/or adding a couple of new services, it's all described below.
We will now try to query the GWebCaches manually. This usually happens automatically, but in some situations, you will need to do it manually. To query the services, proceed as follows:
- Start Shareaza, if not already done.
- If the "Discovery Service" window is not already open, press F9 to open it.
- Choose a line which says 'GWebCache' in the 'Type' column. Note that the lines with a grey icon are for Gnutella, the lines with a blue icon are for Gnutella2, while the colored icons are for both networks.
- Right click the line and a menu will pop up.
- Select Query Now from that menu.
Shareaza will then query that service. However it's possible that this will fail for different reasons. For example, the service might not be working anymore. Another reason for failures may be that the Internet Explorer is in Offline Mode. Make sure it is switched to Online Mode while querying the services, even if you use another browser for surfing the net. If querying fails, the 'Failure' column for that line will increase. If it does, then choose another line and try again with that one. If you don't have at least 8 lines in that window, then reset the services as described below.
Assuming you're still in the "Discovery Service" window (hit F9 to open it), how many lines are there in that window? You should have a total of at least 8 such services. If you don't have 8, then it's a good idea to reset this list to the default 8 services. If you have more than 8 services, then it's probably fine and you can try to query them as described above. If nothing works, then come back and reset the list anyway. To reset the list, proceed as follows: (Note: This requires at least version
- Update DefaultServices.dat (optional).
- Start Shareaza.
- If the "Discovery Service" window is not already open, press F9 to open it.
- Select all entries in the list. This may be done by clicking on the first entry, then pressing and holding the 'Shift' key, then clicking on the last entry.
- Deselect all "Server.met" services (check the 'Type' column) clicking on them while holding the 'Ctrl' key: they are used by the eDonkey network, not Gnutella
- Right click the mouse button and select 'Remove', which will delete them all.
- When the list is empty, Shareaza will reload the defaults, thus some new entries should appear now. These are the default services.
Now that the list is reset, try querying them again, as described in the section above. If it still doesn't work, read the section below.
Adding new GWebCaches for Gnutella2
If you can't get connected to Gnutella2 then add the following GWebCaches to Shareaza. To do so:
- Make sure Shareaza is running.
- Click on some of the links below (left column) to add new GWebCaches to Shareaza. If Shareaza asks for confirmation, just select 'Add'.
||[shareaza:gwc:http://cache.trillinux.org/g2/bazooka.php Add Trillinux]|http://cache.trillinux.org/g2/bazooka.php%7C%7C[shareaza:gwc:http://gwc2.wodi.org/skulls.php Add Wodi]|http://gwc2.wodi.org/skulls.php%7C%7C[shareaza:gwc:http://silvers.servehttp.com/g2/bazooka.php Add Silvers]|http://silvers.servehttp.com/g2/bazooka.php%7C%7C[shareaza:gwc:http://dogma.cloud.bishopston.net:33559/ Add Dogma Bishopston]|http://dogma.cloud.bishopston.net:33559/%7C%7C[shareaza:gwc:http://karma.cloud.bishopston.net:33559/ Add Karma Bishopston]|http://karma.cloud.bishopston.net:33559/%7C%7C[shareaza:gwc:http://savs.biz/g2/bazooka.php Add Savs]|http://savs.biz/g2/bazooka.php%7C%7C
- Query the new services from the "Discovery Service" window, as described above.
Clicking on those links doesn't work? Older versions of Opera and probably many other browsers can't handle those links. In that case, right click the links and select 'Copy link address', 'Copy URL' or whatever applies to your browser. Then go to Shareaza and type Ctrl+D. In the dialog box that appears, Shareaza probably already did insert the link; if it didn't, insert the link from the clipboard with Ctrl+V. Select 'Download', and if Shareaza asks for confirmation, select 'Add'.
Alternatively, you can also mark an URL in the right column of the list above and hit Ctrl+C to copy it to the clipboard. Then open the "Discovery Service" window (hit F9), right click and choose Add Service, in the appearing box you paste the link (Ctrl+V) and click on OK. Make sure you don't insert any space at the beginning or the end of the URL or it won't work.
Here is another list of discovery services: Good Gnutella2 GWebCaches. Click on "Add All GWebCaches" at bottom of site.
Note: Please pay attention on dates of actualisation. The newer update, the better it should be.
Adding new GWebCaches for Gnutella
Here is a list of discovery services for Gnutella. This page contains a large list of services for Gnutella, which you can insert in the discovery service window. Right click the links you find on this page and select "Copy URL" or "Copy Link Address" (depends on your browser). Then open the "Discovery Service" window (hit F9) and select Add Service and insert the URL in the box (type Ctrl+V to paste from the clipboard). Then click OK.
Note: Don't add servces listed as MWebCache.
Still problems?
So you tried everything mentioned above and you are still not connected? Try again. Query even more services if you haven't queried them all. Add more discovery services from that page described above.
Still nothing? Then it's possible that something is blocking the outgoing connections. This might be a firewall that you have on your network. This is likely to be the case if you are on a school or an office network, they often filter the outgoing connections. In this case there's nothing you can do, excepted talking to the network administrators.
Please make sure that in the file menu options (in Internet Explorer) you are not in offline mode. Being in offline mode may prevent Shareaza from successfully querying GWebCaches.
Shareaza will also silently fail to query GWebCaches if Internet Explorer is configured to use a proxy which requires authentication. Note that Internet Explorer settings are relevant even if you use another browser as they do influence the behaviour of your operating system.
A last thing to try is to manually make Shareaza connect to hubs or ultrapeers. This is only intended for advanced users and may work in some rare cases, where all of the above doesn't work. Go here: Setting up manual Hub connections.
If you think that it really should work, then you can try to search for your problem on the forums. Use the search button there to search the threads. If you don't find anything, then you can create a new thread, where you describe your problem. Please: Be very detailed about what you have (Computer, OS, internet connection, network situation) and what you tried already (Querying the GWebCaches, Resetting the list, Adding new GWebCaches), also mention that you read this page. And please, be patient and nice, we don't get any money for answering your questions.