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This guide will mainly focus on getting it to work on Ubuntu Feisty. Everything should be pretty similar for other Ubuntu versions, or even other distributions. If you get it to run on another distro, feel free to add whatever you needed to do to make that work.
First, we need to install WINE. There are 2 options: either you use the version of WINE that ships with Ubuntu, or you use a more cutting-edge version that is regularely updated. This has the advantage that Shareaza will probably run better, as WINE is in continuous development, and the disadvantage that it could break if the WINE developers screw up .
If you want the cutting-edge (optional)
If it doesn't work with Ubuntu's version of WINE,or you like living on the edge try running the svn snapshots.
Note: the svn snapshots may break any time. If that happens, you can revert to the default Ubuntu version in Synaptic and lock the version.
type the following in your terminal: <source lang="c">sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list</source>
A text editor will pop up with a file. Scroll all the way to the bottom, and add the following line:
<source lang="c">deb feisty main</source> (replace 'feisty' with whatever version of Ubuntu you happen to be running)
close and save the file.
Installing WINE
Type the following in the terminal: <source lang="c">sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install wine</source> WINE should install now. When WINE is installed, press <alt>-F2, and type 'winecfg' (without the quotes). Configure WINE however you want, but normally you shouldn't need to change anything.
Get 'wininet.dll'. You can use the following methods to get it: -Get it from a friend that has Windows, it's located at C:\Windows\system32\ -You can download it here: [1]
Once you have the file, drop it here: <source lang="c">/home/<username>/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32/</source>
Doubleclick the installer, and install Shareaza. You should be able to leave everything as it is, but i'd recommend changing the following settings: -Install Shareaza for a single user (you won't need multiple users, as the whole wine 'drive' is in your home directory anyway) -Disable UPnP. I've had Shareaza crash when I enabled UPnP
Getting it to connect
Shareaza will fail at connecting to the discovery services, so you'll have to connect manually. For this you'll need a recent 'HostCache.dat' file from a working Shareaza (ask someone on IRC for one if the one in the link doesn't work. The file is updated daily from Jonne's laptop if it's running). You'll need to do this every time your host cache gets empty, unfortunately (if you run Shareaza regularely and your connection never drops, this won't happen).
If you have acquired the file, save it here: ~/wine_c/Program Files/Shareaza/Data/HostCache.dat .
Note that on Linux, only root can run apps that listen on ports lower than 1024. If you want to use a fixed port, pick one bigger than 1024.
run Shareaza with this command: <source lang="c">wine 'C:\\program files\\Shareaza\\Shareaza.exe' -tray</source> You can use the following to create a launcher too. The -tray option is optional, but recommended, as the GUI takes lots of CPU. If Shareaza fails to go into your GNOME/KDE tray, omit the option.
Shareaza should run, and be able to download now.
Known issues
Shareaza wasn't designed to run on WINE, and WINE isn't perfect, so these are the bugs you'll most likely encounter.
- enabling uPnP crashes Shareaza. (workaround, don't use uPnP, forward your ports manually)
- the media player won't work (don't even try to play/preview a file, it will crash).
- Sometimes Shareaza's GUI will fail to appear when starting up. This has something to with Shareaza having problems with either virtual desktops or Beryl/Compiz (it stores negative values for the keys that control Shareaza's location on your desktop). If this happens, you need to start regedit, and delete the following keys:
<source lang="c">HKCU/Software/Shareaza/Shareaza/Windows/CMainWnd.Bottom HKCU/Software/Shareaza/Shareaza/Windows/CMainWnd.Left HKCU/Software/Shareaza/Shareaza/Windows/CMainWnd.Right HKCU/Software/Shareaza/Shareaza/Windows/CMainWnd.Top</source>
- Sometimes the GUI will keep showing the dropdown window from the menu bar. The only solution to that is restarting Shareaza. If it happens frequently, use the web interface.
- The library window is pretty unstable, avoid going there ;)
If you need any help, post on the forums, or drop by on IRC. Good luck!