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Do not translate this page into other languages. It is either low priority, too specific or incomplete. | e |
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This page has been updated on 2011-01-12 for the release of Shareaza v2.5.3.0. | e |
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The information on this page should apply to all Shareaza versions provided there are no major changes. | e |
If nothing else will work or you prefer, it is possible to manually connect to Gnutella2 if you are already connected to the eDonkey network.
The steps are easy:
- Search for "shareaza" within the eDonkey network.
- After few seconds you should obtain a few results in the search window.
- Download the file with has most sources (probably it will be an installer of Shareaza you have already).
- Switch to the Download Window/Transfers Tab and wait a few seconds so the source list will grow. A few sources should be Shareaza nodes.
- Pause the download (you are not interested in the actual file and you need the list of sources that will be erased if the download has been finished).
- Move your mouse pointer over one of the Shareaza node listed and write down its IP and port.
- Hit [CTRL]+[T] and fill in the IP and the port you have previously written down. Then click on "Connect".
- Wait a few second and use [CTRL]+[F11] to check whether a connection has been established.
- Repeat with another Shareaza node, if needed.
Note that the Shareaza node you try to connect to will reject you 99% of the time, but will most probably give your Shareaza client a list of known Shareaza Hubs. In my experience, Shareaza will connect to the Gnutella2 network in a matter of seconds and populate the Host Cache within a few minutes.
Navigation: ShareazaWiki > Troubleshoot > Troubleshoot.ManualConnectionWitheDonkey