DC++ just stopped working.

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DC++ just stopped working.

Postby Lanigiro » 18 Mar 2015 03:42

I don't know what you did, but DC++ suddenly isn't working, as of sometime in the last couple of hours. My connection to my usual DC++ hub dropped, without my permission or any causative action on my part, and all attempts to reconnect are getting a "refused" response from that hub. This suggests my IP is banned for some reason, even though I've done nothing wrong. Worse, resetting DHCP to get a new IP didn't circumvent the problem.

What the hell is going on and how do I put things back the way they were a few hours ago, when everything was more-or-less working??
Posts: 202
Joined: 10 Feb 2014 14:19

Re: DC++ just stopped working.

Postby Lanigiro » 18 Mar 2015 15:57

It spontaneously returned to normal about an hour later.

Still, my general impression is that Shareaza's hub connectivity is gradually becoming less stable month by month.
Posts: 202
Joined: 10 Feb 2014 14:19

Re: DC++ just stopped working.

Postby brov » 20 Mar 2015 08:59

It's not Shareaza's fault, it's YOUR HUB!.
Posts: 87
Joined: 05 Jul 2009 12:15

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