by ocexyz » 29 Sep 2009 11:24
Default settings in Shareaza should be changed.
1) Shareaza hashing window by default turn on. In this window should be written: to set this window on/off set ...? .... true/false. Or just put this setting to the settings as check box, preferably. Only by this window we can sometimes to help users in troubles. Support team need this setting by default enabled and the same time some user don't want to see this ever more.
2) In ques, in the settings, a huge bandwidth is reserved for eDk while G2 much less. I think relations should be G2/eDk like 40/60 if not 50/50. I know there are many eDk sources, but this way there will never be more G2 sources. Most user will not look at this, and will be afraid to even touch this setting.
3) BitTorrent hasn't it's box in [networks] tab. In BT settings there are no "always connect (or turn on) BiTorrent" and "Connect (or turn on) BitTorrent today". This situation makes that user can't control how/when BT connections will start or not. Shareaza sometimes does it at start and other times not. I as a user WANT TO CONTROL and RULE when Shareaza will start any connection to any network/protocol, no matter what it is. And I want to have possibility to set it enabled or disabled. Me and none else. Now BT can do it "itself" - that piss me off.
4) MOST IMPORTANT: Shareaza can handle several types of hashes. But when eg. start download via BT, then there is only BT hash. Is that possible, as hash is related to precisely exactly one file, that Shareaza to calculate all the other types of hashes? So Shareaza would be able to use other networks to download file. When hashes are calculated after download has been finished it does not helps in download.
5) Shareaza uploads to other Shareaza as BT. But this destination is NOT recognised as G2 source and there is no G2 connection. Perhaps eDk would treat this as bed behaviour, but BT certainly not, also because quicker download is the aim. So in such a case Shareaza should contact another Shareaza and start download by BT hash, as there is no G2 hash yet as download is not finished yet! There should be ability to start download by BT hash.
6) Considering 4 & 5 above Shareaza if contact another Shareaza could ask and exchange hashes with other Shareaza.
7) I don't know how it works but when BT download is left after some time it can slow down to less then 1KB/s, indicated are 1 or 2 sources. But when rightclick [search for more sources] Shareaza can find more sources, in this particular case has found 12. For some dozen of seconds download jumps to about 10KB, but after go back to low then 1KB. I don't know what limits this. And again after a time can jump to 12KB/s. In the same time upload of this particular file to other nonShareaza BT clients is constantly for hours around 40KB/s. What is more interesting downloaded incomplete file is above 98% complete. Files of sources seems to be 100% complete. Proposed solution: perhaps Shareaza should periodically perform [search for more sources] itself? Like in other networks? Conditions: Allowed were only G2 and BT, rest turned off, download only from BT, connection test passed, bandwidth 256KB/s down, 128KB/s up.
8) When BT is downloading and when it waits and waits, and if meanwhile Shareaza has been reinstalled to newer version, and then download has been finished, then downloaded files seems to be seeded endless. However it is displayed that 167% has been uploaded and limit was 120% Shareaza do not recognize that condition has been already fulfilled. Proposed solution: Shareaza after finished download should check if condition 120% (or any other amount) has been already uploaded.
9) In Library in folders view when there is folder from BT (containing BT downloaded files) you can rightclick it and menu appears. But it "delete" option is disabled. This make deletion of such folder uncomfortable, one must go out and do it from system. Proposed solution: enable it for TB folders. On delete usually appears question about either to create or not a ghost file. If that would be empty folder it should not appear, just delete, that is obvious. On delete Shareaza should ask about ghost file for files inside from the biggest one to smallest. In case of delete BT folders there should be added check box "use this settings to all rest filles inside folder, skip asking one by one", so all the same would be either created or not created.
10) It is very unclear how to start seeding? I have downloaded sth, it has been uploaded 135%, moved and finished. But what to do if I would like to seed it further? This is not obvious what to do, the same like in case of how to create magnetlink. I got no idea how, but that could be improved towards more user-friendly. Or perhaps it can't seed and this is intentional?
11) Have in mind ppl still are using win2000 please.