Network core overloaded

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Network core overloaded

Postby eddyreen » 25 May 2010 04:15

I am using network limiter
DL=12 KB/s
UL=12 KB/s

Shareaza connection speed
DL=8.00 KB/s
UL=8.00 KB/s

All my active upload slots fill up !!!!
then people are beeing queued &shortly afterwards they are beeing removed from the queue
which isn't normal. (i am sharing thousands of popular files)

when i look into the log i often see something like this:

too busy too upload 'file' to 'address' queued at position 1 of ...
unable to upload 'file' to 'adress' network core overloaded !
upload connection to 'address' was lost !

Can't find an answer in the wiki, nor the forum :?
I don't want to increase my UL/DL speeds because our provider will put me on low bandwith after 20GB of traffic per month

This problem is kinda new i never saw it until updating to Shareaza

My problem:
eDonkey enqueing isn't working keeps switching from 0 to 1 to 0
Any idees :oops:
Last edited by eddyreen on 25 May 2010 04:33, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Network core overloaded

Postby eddyreen » 25 May 2010 04:27

[05:21:39] Too busy to upload "*censored by moderator*.mp3" to, queued at #1 of 1 ("eDonkey Core").
[05:22:23] eDonkey client connection to 85.***.69.** was closed.
[05:22:23] Upload connection to 85.***.69.** was lost, preserving queue position.
[05:23:26] Rejecting upload connection from 85.***.69.**, network core overloaded.
Last edited by cyko_01 on 26 May 2010 12:55, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Network core overloaded

Postby eddyreen » 25 May 2010 17:02

I've disabled netlimiter &put all settings back to their defaults except connection speed to 8KB/s UL/DL

Still getting overload error

Can anybody help me PLEASE ?
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Re: Network core overloaded

Postby eddyreen » 26 May 2010 03:29

Can someone at least tell me what 'network core overloaded' means ?
Why it is being displayed &what normally can be done about it .

Why isn't there some sort of help library on error messages for Shareaza ?
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Re: Network core overloaded

Postby cyko_01 » 26 May 2010 13:00

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Re: Network core overloaded

Postby eddyreen » 26 May 2010 18:18

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Re: Network core overloaded

Postby ailurophobe » 28 May 2010 19:22

He meant they are the normal way ED2K protocol works. If the source is busy uploading to other clients you are put into queue to wait your turn. In G2 the connection is kept open while you wait, but ED2K reduces overhead by closing the connection and reconnecting later. This has no effect on the eventual download since the queue position is preserved. As for what "the network core is overloaded" means I have no idea whatsoever. I presume it might be somehow related some of the "throttle" settings. For example the connect throttle defaults to 250ms, so if you start getting more than twenty connects in five seconds that might qualify as a "network core overload." Just a guess.
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Re: Network core overloaded

Postby eddyreen » 29 May 2010 03:36

Well, i did slowed down connection throttle to 500, maybe if i increase it to 0 the network core overloaded may go away.

I did tweaked my Shareaza for a slow CPU, modem connection but i also tested the defaults already &with default setting i also got network core overloaded .

My downloads are fine i am waiting in really long queues :D

The problem is uploading; people are beeing enqueued, but after a while probably when i receive a remote update query
Instead that my client says 'too busy too upload, queued at...'
my client says 'rejecting upload, network core overloaded, upload connection lost'
And then the person is being removed from my upload queue
so the upload queue is constantly switching from 0 to 1 to 0 .

Didn't you read my previous posts ?

Nothing to do with downloads...
I don't download very often anyways lately, mostly uploading :)

As long as i have active open slots, there is no problem, people are able to download, but when all my active slots are in use, they won't be enqueued .
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Re: Network core overloaded

Postby ailurophobe » 30 May 2010 22:09

No, I did not read your previous posts. Fortunately I was also not posting about your actual problem, I simply explained what the messages you were discussing with cyko meant. That does not in any way depend on your previous posts. (Actually I probably did read your previous posts few days before, but I did not re-read them before I posted since they were not relevant to my post.)

Still your problem seems to be caused by too many "network core overloads", so I guess my post did accidentally end up being relevant to that as well. Basically Shareaza is rejecting the connections it should be accepting because they a are coming in too fast and this makes ED2K clients in your uploads queue drop out? I doubt dropping the connect throttle to 200 or 100 would break anything. And you should be able to see pretty quickly if the overloads are reduced or not. Be sure to post the result either way so that I don't tell the next guy asking wrong things. Also try changing the settings you have changed back to default one at a time. And make sure the "maximum number waiting in the queue" is not set to 0 for the ED2K upload queues.. Oddly enough, I had a similar problem, but it seems to have gone away... But I am using an alpha version and have lots of settings at non-default values, so no way to know the reason.
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Re: Network core overloaded

Postby eddyreen » 06 Jun 2010 10:29

Got rid of the 'Network Core Overloaded' problem :)

apparently 'Network Core OverLoaded' has EVERYTHING to do with Shareaza :!:

This is how I did it :arrow:

-Complete all ur downloads
Shutdown Shareaza
Shutdown Shareaza
Move your incompleted files out of ur incompleted folder
-Uninstall Shareaza (important otherwise you may run into problems)
-Install a previous version of Shareaza (I installed v2.4.0.0)
-Delete all ur incompleted .partial files
-Run Shareaza
-Search your incompleted files by HASH (u could also just have deleted .partials and leave ur incompleted but I didnt test that)

É voila, no more 'Network Core Overloaded' messages &eDonkey upload queues working as they should :mrgreen:
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Re: Network core overloaded

Postby raspopov » 14 Jun 2010 15:19

Pre- versions just silently drops connections, in I added "Network overload" message to such cases. This happens when Shareaza spending more than 250 ms (or longer) waiting for something, for example acquiring Library lock to search files in it. Later it can be fixed by redesigning existing code in asynchronous way (like I done with query hit and search packets handlers).
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Re: Network core overloaded

Postby eddyreen » 15 Jun 2010 17:09

That's really nice of you.

However I don't really have a problem with Shareaza saying the 'Core' is 'overloaded', I am having a problem with the fact that eDonkey clients are beeing enqueued, and after about 30 or 40 or so seconds Shareaza tells me 'core overloaded' &the client that was queued is dropped from my upload queue, that's not only annoying, but also bizarre since I run Shareaza on a dedicated P3 667Mhz XPSP2 with TCPIP patch 100 half-open.

The only thing I know for sure is that right now about 2xx people are on my eDonkey upload queue (Shareaza
With Shareaza ZERO :?
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