x64 installer / build?

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x64 installer / build?

Postby jgutierrez » 07 Sep 2010 18:54

I have seen has been just released.
The problem is that the x64 installer is not available, so I can only get 2.3.1.
Can anyone please upload it?

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Re: x64 installer / build?

Postby tharrison1 » 07 Sep 2010 20:57

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Re: x64 installer / build?

Postby cyko_01 » 07 Sep 2010 22:38

if you continue reading the filename you will see that it is a DEBUG build, not a stable release.
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Re: x64 installer / build?

Postby tharrison1 » 07 Sep 2010 23:13

If who continues reading what filename? The original post by jgutierrez just says "" without any more filename.

Regardless, if someone is saying that a new version has been "released" I expect to be able to go to the website and download a new, stable released version straightaway. Now I'm feeling like I've been cheated, with the promise of a new, stable version that might fix some of the problems I posted about a few days ago dangled in front of me and then capriciously yanked away.

Obviously, I do not respond well to being treated in such a manner, and I doubt many other people do either.

Adding to the problems, meanwhile, I just checked on my open Shareaza window and found it wedged and unresponsive for no apparent reason. It had been working properly an hour or so ago, which was the last time I'd checked on it. Now it shows a busy cursor over the entire user interface and my system monitor lists it as "Shareaza [Not Responding] 100%". That "100%" is the CPU usage -- no wonder the case fan has been revving constantly for the past ten minutes. What the hell is Shareaza ( doing that requires it to use 100% CPU for several full minutes and that precludes user interaction for the duration? (On this machine, that's literally trillions of individual processor cycles! It's either doing large primality tests, factoring huge numbers, gone into an infinite loop, or bubblesorting a list with hundreds of thousands of entries. And it shouldn't be doing number crunching as that's not in its job description, it shouldn't go into infinite loops, and it should use quicksort or mergesort instead of bubblesort. So any way you slice it this seems to qualify as a bug.)
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Re: x64 installer / build?

Postby kevogod » 08 Sep 2010 03:15

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Re: x64 installer / build?

Postby jgutierrez » 08 Sep 2010 19:47

Sorry for the confusion created tharrison1. Latest stable version is still is the current development one.
I do not know why not releasing x64 builds, even if they could be considered beta/alpha as with 2.3.1, nevertheless I hightly appreciate your offer and have just PM you kevogod .
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Re: x64 installer / build?

Postby old_death » 09 Sep 2010 15:32

I am using the 64 bit version of the debug builds and they do run smoothly. ;)
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