by kvnsmnsn » 27 Oct 2010 21:16
The initial GUI that comes up has a text field in the middle of the display underneath the headline "SEARCH FOR A FILE" and immediately underneath the label "Type some keywords to search for:". To the left of the text field is a button labeled "Search". I've observed that when the user presses the "Search" button, "CHomeSearchCtrl::Search()" gets called. I'm trying to get "CHomeSearchCtrl::Search()" called automatically, when Shareaza begins to run, with a hard-coded search string, so in "CHomeSearchCtrl::OnCreate()" I put a call to "Search( true, true);", and modified "CHomeSearchCtrl::Search()" so that if its second parameter is true, it does a search on the hard-coded string.
I've checked with the debugger, and "CHomeSearchCtrl::Search()" does in fact get called. How can I check to see if me providing the hard-coded search string actually causes a search for files containing the search string on the Internet?
Kevin S