by ailurophobe » 25 Feb 2011 22:36
If you think W7 is bad, you must not have used Vista... Windows 7 is actually pretty stable, but the stricter security implemented in Vista has caused some compatibility problems. I think ryo (the main developer aka raspopov) has fixed most of those for, but can't really tell since I already fixed the issues manually. Anyway, it is perfectly possible to get Shareaza to work with Windows 7.
If doing a clean install of does not help, the issues I have seen were all about UAC, and Windows thinking that the account you are running on has no right to access some files or settings Shareaza needs. These should have been fixed in but you can fiddle with these manually by moving the files to another directory, disabling UAC (which while much better than in Vista is still buggy and useless), and running Shareaza as administrator. (Depends on the exact problem you are having obviously.) And as mentioned these are due to changes in Windows, so you might want to keep these in mind when having problems with other Windows applications that were originally written for older Windows versions. Shareaza has more issues than most due to its structure being somewhat complex, but you might see problems with other programs occasionally. (I didn't disable UAC for Shareaza, there was another program that just could not work correctly with UAC enabled and that I absolutely needed to work.)